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Petalinux for Zybo Z7-20 Offline build




I'm working on setting up a Petalinux project for the zybo z7-20 on an offline computer. 

So far I followed the Zybo Z7-20 Petalinux BSP Project readme to set up the project however I cannot build the project due to it being configured to download two sources from github. One is downloading u-boot from git://github.com/digilent/u-boot-digilent.git  and another is downloading the linux kernel from git://github.com/digilent/linux-digilent.git and since I am on an offline computer it cannot download these. 

Is there an option for petalinux to pull these locally and/or can I download them and place them in the petalinux project so its already there and doesnt need to be downloaded. 


any help with this would be appreciated,



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thank you for your response and that did solve the problem. However, now there is another fetch being made to github.com/mitchellorsucci/libuio.git that is trying to use libuio-1.0.

I have already set up the sstate-cache thats available from Xilinx for offiline builds so this seems to be something specific towards the zybo Z7-20? I noticed that the Petalinux BSP project features list has "HDMI input via UIO drivers" and the libuio library is used for interfacing for UIO devices so it seems that is what it is used for? 

Anyway would you have a build solution for this? I have already downloaded the library from github but am not sure what to do with it from there.

thanks for your time.

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@elliottal In `project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/digilent-apps/libuio.bb` recipe you can change the `SRC_URI` to point to a local git repository

clone of `git://github.com/digilent/libuio.git` previously `git://github.com/mitchellorsucci/libuio.git`

Also the recipe can be modified to use a tar file if it is more convenient.

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thanks for the info @Ionel that again was what I needed to do. I also made sure to use the correct link for the repository. I went ahead and did the same thing for all of the digilent apps that had recipes to grab from github. I unfortunately have yet another build error

ERROR: libuio-1.0-r0 do_install: oe_libinstall: unable to locate shared library

ERROR: libuio-1.0-r0 do_install: Function failed: do_install 

I've been trying to figure this out but haven't had much success yet. 

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`SRC_URI` for `project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/digilent-apps/libuio.bb`  should look similar to  this

`SRC_URI = "git://${HOME}/projects/libuio/.git"`

where `${HOME}/projects/libuio` is a normal clone of `git://github.com/digilent/libuio.git`


`SRC_URI = "git://${HOME}/projects/libuio.git"` for a bare git repository: `${HOME}/projects/libuio.git`

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