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Error Detect Phy in EmacPs Intr DMA example




I created a Vivado Project with just Zync PS and used the hardware platform to run the EmacPS Intr DMA example in SDK. The code fails at detecting phy address and returns "Error detect phy". I am using Vivado 2017.4 and Zybo Z7-20 development board.

I went through a lot of forum discussions about the same issue and many of the discussions deal with PetaLinux project. Mine is just a baremetal application. I also tried connecting ENET0 reset to pin 50, but it didn't help. Can you please help find where the problem is?

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4 answers to this question

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Hi @jpeyron,

The Phy detect error was because the MDIO and MDC pins in the Zync blocd design were connected to EMIO instead of MIO pins. Once I changed the pin connection, phy detection worked fine. But, the example application still didn't run successfully. Now, the code waits infinitely for the receive complete interrupt, which doesn't seem to get called at all.

It would be really helpful if someone who has tried emacps DMA interrupt could answer this. 

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