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Example code to open, read, write to Zync 7x USB OTG



2 answers to this question

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Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately we don't have anything specifically for what you are asking, so all I can do is point you to some resources that should help out.

First, I recommend starting with the 2018.2 Zedboard BSP from Xilinx (you can also check Zedboard.org for one). Then you can follow UG1144 from Xilinx to learn how to build in any libraries that you may need (petalinux-config -c rootfs) and USB gadget drivers you may need (petalinux-config -c kernel), and finally how to build your sysroot and setup Xilinx SDK so that it will properly link in the libraries you've included in your rootfs. The final step will allow you to use Xilinx SDK as a nice IDE for writing you application, you could also skip it and just write it using a text editor, and then build it into your system as a Petalinux app (see UG1144). 

As for info on writing a USB-OTG application, you should just search around the internet for how to do this on any embedded linux platform. You should be able to find some resources out there (it is not really important what platform you are on).


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