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HS2 not working on Debian



I recently bought a HS2 programmer and it's been very difficult to make it work on Linux.

This is the linux Distro I'm using:

cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l

This is the kernel version:

uname -r


I installed digilent.adept.runtime_2.16.1-x86_64 digilent.adept.utilities_2.2.1-x86_64 successfully.

I suspects that the udev rules are not correct, so I run the udev command myself on a console as root user:

export DIGILENT_DATA_DIR= somwhere_in_my_disk/digilent.adept.runtime_2.16.1-x86_64/data/firmware/

Then, run lsusb to check the bus and device numbers (in this case is 001 bus number and 010 numbers respectively),

dftdrvdtch 001 010

Finally I try to enumerate:

./djtgcfg enum
ERROR: failed to enumerate devices, erc = 3090


Did someone get this error ?













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2 answers to this question

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Hi Esteban,

Can you tell me which method you used to install the Adept Runtime? Did you download the tar.gz file and run the install script or did you install the debian package using dpkg -i?

I suppose there's a possibility that UDEV rules aren't working on your system. However, if that were the case and you were to run "djtgcfg enum" with sudo or as root then it would almost certainly work, provided that all of the other require files were installed properly.

Exporting DIGILENT_DATA_DIR the way you have will definitely cause it not to work because that environment variable should be set to the path of the data directory, not the firmware directory. I would strongly advise removing that variable from your environment or at least removing the "/firmware/" from the end of the path. Once you do that if it's still not working please do the following:

1. In the terminal run the command "export ADEPT_RT_LOGDETAIL=1"

2. In the terminal run the command "export ADEPT_RT_LOGFILE=/home/YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/adept.log"

3. In the terminal re-run "djtgcfg enum". If it reports an error then a log file should be generated in the location that you specified in step 2. Please post the content of the error log here.


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