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Hello from a Zynq/Zybo user




I have a Zybo that I've been using.  Currently, I'm exploring the various "distros" of linux available, that have some example or history of running on Zybo...Petalinux, the Digilent variant of Xilinx Open Source Linux, and Xillinux.  I've seen Ubuntu available as well.  I'd like to bring up a headless system, but with audio working.  Eventually, I'd like to migrate to an AMP Linux/Baremetal  implementation.  For the PL side, I have my own design in development to leverage the ACP for hardware acceleration.

I'd welcome any experience and/or insight into bringing up a fast and low-latency linux or AMP system.  I'd like the tool flow to be solid, and not have to spend too much time on integrating an odd ball flow with xilinx tools or debug when necessary.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Justin,

That'll be cool getting the Zybo up and running on a headless system; we would like to do that here as well at Digilent, but from what I know we've mostly used Linaro and Ubuntu. I've moved this thread to the Embedded Linux section of the forum where other users with more knowledge on this will be able to see it better.


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