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    attila reacted to Nico45 in Waveforms Software on iPad   
    OK Thank you
  2. Like
    attila got a reaction from Anthocyanina in waveform generator and impedance analyzer suggestions   
    Hi @Anthocyanina
    The next software version will add such option:

  3. Like
    attila got a reaction from Anthocyanina in waveform generator and impedance analyzer suggestions   
    Hi @Anthocyanina 
    The properties can be coupled with a Script like this.
    If a disconnected is not called an application restart is required to get rid of the connection.

    function doFreq(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Frequency.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Frequency.value;} function doAmp(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Amplitude.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Amplitude.value;} Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Frequency.Sig.connect(doFreq) Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Amplitude.Sig.connect(doAmp) while(wait()); Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Frequency.Sig.disconnect(doFreq) Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Amplitude.Sig.disconnect(doAmp)  
  4. Like
    attila got a reaction from Abhijan in Pass Oscilloscope Value to Waveform Generator   
    Hi @Abhijan
    In-device Oscilloscope input to AWG output routing (+amplification, filtering) is only supported by newer devices AD3, ADP3X50...
    With AD3 this adds a delay of about 20 cycles (200ns at 100MHz) or more with filtering.
  5. Like
    attila reacted to Karsten Skrydstrup in Bode plot in Waveforms   
    Thank you very much. Exactly the information I needed.
    The "Add" wording confused me...
  6. Like
    attila reacted to ysrevol in How can I implement precise digital pulses width +/-0.1ms or less in LabView using Analog discovery 2?   
    I found a good site that generates PWM waveforms.
    Considering my level, I need a simple "getting start", but ^^ I think this site will help a lot.
  7. Like
    attila got a reaction from DKluger in Analog Discovery units and Waveforms calibration   
    Hi @DKluger
    The freq comp calibrates the ADC (oscilloscope) gain for some system frequency steps in the adjustable range 50-125MHz
    The ADC and DAC are clocked by a low jitter clock manager which has ECS-250-18-36-AGM-TR as reference. This cannot be calibrated, the stability is given by the oscillator.

  8. Like
    attila reacted to D.Stafford in AD2/AD3 burst function   
    That's great. Thank you very much for the quick and informative response.
  9. Like
    attila got a reaction from DKluger in Analog Discovery units and Waveforms calibration   
    Hi @DKulkar
    Yes, user calibration is supported for every device, including ADP3X50.

  10. Like
    attila got a reaction from ysrevol in How can I implement precise digital pulses width +/-0.1ms or less in LabView using Analog discovery 2?   
    Hi @ysrevol
    With the C API, see WF SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalOut_Pulse.py

  11. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Output 100Mhz clock from Digital Discovery   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    The interpreter is available in the WaveForms application.
    For custom app/script interpreter a loop can be used, looking for rising edge of the respective clock bit of the sample and storing masked value of the next sample, for 400MHz rate to have 2.5ns delay.
  12. Like
    attila reacted to timnrp in Interference of Analog Discovery 2 DIO pin on microcontroller input pin   
    thanks for your answer.
    Adding an external pull-up resistor solved the issue.
  13. Like
    attila got a reaction from timnrp in Interference of Analog Discovery 2 DIO pin on microcontroller input pin   
    Hi @timnrp
    Try to use an external pull-up.
    The inter pull-up on PB2 may be activated only after programming. During and before this the very low (~1M) pull-down from AD2 DIOs may hold the signal low.
  14. Like
    attila reacted to cpitman in Logic Analyzer Not Triggering?   
    Sorry for the slow response, it turned out to be a faulty connection. Somehow the pigtails were fully seated on the BNC adapter, but there was no continuity between the digital pigtail wire and the bnc adapter. Reseating it made it work 🤷‍♂️
    Thanks for the suggestions, it did push us to recheck!
  15. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Counter in Digital Discovery   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    The GPS satellites use atomic clocks which are extremely precise and these also take in account the time dilation.
    I don't know how accurately does the receiver forward the signal but probably it is still more precise than any device using crystal oscillator.
  16. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Counter in Digital Discovery   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    See the Counter in the Logic Analyzer.
    Here 1Hz is generated by one device and captured by another. The difference is the crystal oscillators tolerance.

  17. Like
    attila reacted to AndreasGroell in Multimeter error of the Analog Discovery 3 very high   
    That helped dramatically.
    I am in the range of 1mV now but with warming up it gets a bit worse again. Will calibrate one more time after warm up.
  18. Like
    attila reacted to Ostin Flores in DigitalOut_Duty.py   
    Hi @attila,
    I set up the scrip on my work bench and it seems to be working ok now. Maybe there was an intermitent connection. I had my input measurement DC Coupled last time as well

  19. Like
    attila got a reaction from Kuz in Saving persistence data   
    Hi @Kuz
  20. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Is it possible to sync the sampling of the Digital Discovery with an external clock?   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    Only the FPGA or Zynq development boards:
  21. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Output 100Mhz clock from Digital Discovery   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    The sampling of data lines should be performed on the same clock that the ADC receives, with the required phase to satisfy setup and hold.
    If you are using Digital Discovery Sync capture mode you could try using falling edge instead of the rising edge, to have 180* shift.
    With normal capture mode sample at least at 400MHz and interpret the data according the clock, like:

  22. Like
    attila reacted to Steve_3 in Adjust Digital IO system frequency in Python API   
    Fantastic.   I'll read and figure out what I needed to do,  looks like it was the RepeatTriggerSet I was missing.   Thanks from a newbie. 
  23. Like
    attila reacted to Dat Nguyen in Power Supplies are not adjustable   
    I have swap to different USB hub, it works fine. Now I can adjust voltage for supplies.
  24. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Output 100Mhz clock from Digital Discovery   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    The highest output frequency with Digital Discovery is 50 MHz, half of the default 100 MHz system clock which is adjustable.
  25. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mavitaka in Is it possible to sync the sampling of the Digital Discovery with an external clock?   
    Hi @Mavitaka
    Reference clock is not supported by Digital Discovery only Sync capture mode:
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