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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @apt Make sure the wiring is correct. Please attach a photo of the setup and screenshot with the Wavegen settings.
  2. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. It is fixed for the next release.
  3. Hi @Cleber Borges 1. I can't help you in R, I've never used it. 2. The modulation is performed in the device. You can Record the output with Scope and export it.
  4. Hi @M Eckerson It is working for me. Could you show the Scope and Wavegen configuration? or attach the workspace With Record you may want to have Scope wait right after run, to not to loose samples at higher rates. If you want delayed Wavegen you can use the Wait option in this. Wavegen1.run() Scope1.run() Scope1.wait();
  5. Hi @Will_SC Such configuration would not fit but you can use the Record mode to capture more ('unlimited') samples at up to 1-2MHz with Analog Discovery. The Wavegen can generate noise, 167bit LFSR random in the device. You can also use Custom pattern filled with random or the Play mode to generate more ('unlimited') samples. The ADP3X50 can perform Recording in DDRAM at up to 128MiS X 125MHz x 1 channel.
  6. Hi @M Eckerson Use the trigger to have stable capture:
  7. Hi @M Eckerson To have higher resolution you could capture more samples with Record at up to 1-2MHz. The second device configuration for AD2 allocates more device buffer (16kS/ch) which doubles the resolution of normal capture and provides more buffer for recording. Note the used FFT Window affects the resolution bandwidth. The sample Rate can be adjusted here or under record Config.
  8. Hi @reddish I see now.. This FDwfEnumConfigInfo/AnalogIOChannelCount was intended to return the number of power supplies the device has but it not used in the WF app. I've corrected it to 1 for Digital Discovery. For DD 3 AIO channels are exposed with 11 nodes in total.
  9. Hi @reddish The current devices (firmware/hdl) support only integer stops, half will be rounded up like 1.5 to 2 The stop is a double parameter for eventually supporting half stops on a future device.
  10. Hi @reddish For Analog Discovery 2 configuration 5th (#4) and 7th (#6) have ~0.5V logic input threshold. In configuration 6th (#5) the positive and negative supplies can be used as slow Wavegen channels 3/4. FDwfEnumConfigInfo(idxConfig, -1, char sz[2048]) // detail info text shown in the app as tooltip FDwfEnumConfigInfo(idxConfig, -2, char sz[256]) // other info text, like: . or 1V8_Digital_Input For Digital Discovery there should be 3 AIOs
  11. Hi @dimitri The Transistor Tester Adapter was intended to use +5V or -5V rail as emitter/source to have unipolar 10V range. The next software version will let you use bipolar voltages and adjust rails with Adapter.
  12. Hi @Rolf_K The default path is user home but the application remembers the last used folder. The recent workspace lists the last used workspaces by the app. You could copy the settings file (static.dwf3) and/or the list of workspaces (worklist.txt) for each user: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\WaveForms\
  13. Hi @Rolf_K It is not really possible to trigger on error in Logic Analyzer since these can be various conditions. You could eventually trigger on pulse longed than expected on SCL or SDA, detect bus lock... The error listed in the Protocol tool are probably due to glitch on the spy wires. Check the "FreqFilter" option, make sure to have GND connection between circuit and AD, use twisted wires signal/GND...
  14. Hi @Andrew S Try using other USB socket, power USB hub or 5V auxiliary power supply. You can also set this limitation to the max under device options or checking the "Disable the current limitation and allow up to 1A to be drawn from the USB port." in the message.
  15. Hi @Jan Didden By default auto scaling is used for each channel and manual scaling can be selected like this:
  16. Hi @Philip In digilent.adept.runtime 2.21.3 the libftd2xx.so was updated to 1.4.22 which should solve some Linux issues. Thank you for the feedback.
  17. Hi @Eric Staton The Digital Discovery does not have Scope or Wavegen. One WaveForms app can control one device at a time. You can have multiple devices connected and controlled by separate app instances. You can use one Analog Discovery. Open Wavegen and Logic instruments in WaveForms app. These can run independently or synchronized by internal triggers. You can also use one WF app with AD and another one with DD.
  18. Hi @reddish The globe on the analog scope looks fantastic. As alternative you can import such audio form wav,mp3,mp4... in Wavegen and play it or use the computer audio output. Use Oscilloscope with repeated capture, scan or record; or import the audio directly in the scope. This has the advantage that you can see the time domain and XY view at the same time. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnL40CbuodU&list=RDqnL40CbuodU&start_radio=1&ab_channel=JerobeamFenderson
  19. Hi @RubenPadial Make sure the WaveForms Runtime section is installed: https://reference.digilentinc.com/software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start The Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable dependency should be installed by the WF setup. You could try installing directly from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26368
  20. Hi @Pedro Vaz You could perform recording at 1-2MSps with 'unlimited' length. This triggered with the first event and further events processed programmatically.
  21. Hi @dimitri Unfortunately there is no bipolar option in the Tracer tool.
  22. Hi @Julien The Trigger label was intentionally removed for size consideration with the "Auto Set" button below it.
  23. Hi @kashyap The -3dB of Wavegen output is at about 10MHz: https://reference.digilentinc.com/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/reference-manual#awg_spectral_characteristics Above this the signal will drop and the measurement resolution may decrease.
  24. Hi @reddish In the next software version I will allocate an additional PLL to be able to use scaling above 8x, like 10x10MHz Thank you for the information.
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