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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Leo_W That is an USB hub branching in 3: to Analog Discovery, external port A and canvas J13. If you are not using the last 2 you could connect the USB directly to the AD.
  2. Hi @MTA The next software version will have "Record to File" with binary, tdms, wav, csv, txt options.
  3. Hi @mkj I'm glad to hear that. BTW: I use the Script for RD on Analog Discovery products :)
  4. Hi @mkj Use Scope.Time.Base.value = 0.001 or Scope.Time.Base.text = "1ms" See the Help tab, press F1, use Ctrl+Space for code completion.
  5. Hi @alexconway First, to see if the board is alive you could short it. For more detail see the following post:
  6. Hi @e0ne199 I don't know what protocol do you want to implement. The Protocol tool uses the Pattern generator and Logic analyzer device resources, the digital-out/in API. The library and application are written in C. The java/python/.net solution may have lower performance.
  7. Hi @e0ne199 You could use the Pattern generator with custom signals and the Script tool or the SDK for custom application/script.
  8. Hi @EdWall Here the GND is highlighted with red and VIN_SC2_P with with contour. The ground plane around C55 and R40 pads has low clearance. This has solder mask but could have been scratched during rework...
  9. Hi @LarsB In demo mode only basic functions are simulated like the earlier simple capture but sync mode is not working, record may work.
  10. Hi @CeeKay Probably under Linux the USB transfer rate is lower or the latency is higher and this result in lower sustainable streaming rate. Suggestions to improve the script: 1. I suppose you are using trigger position zero (default) (FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionSet) or no trigger (also default when not configured at all). This way the streaming will start only when triggered (or immediately), reducing the change of device buffer overflow. 2. Specify the required record length (FDwfAnalogInRecordLengthSet) 10-16k instead of constant 50k. This way the recording will stop after the needed samples are collected, reducing the chance of overflow. 3. For AD2 you could try to use the 2nd device configuration with double analog-in (Scope) device buffer. Note this will reduce the analog-out (Wavegen) buffer size (resolution). dwf.FDwfDeviceConfigOpen(c_int(-1), c_int(1), byref(hdwf)) The improvements in the latest beta are for the ADP3X50.
  11. Hi @jakey You could use the Sync capture mode, see the post below: The external clock function is available with Electronics Explorer but not with Digital Discovery.
  12. Hi @LarsB You could use the Sync capture. In this mode the sampling condition is executed in the device. You could also sample all signals (including clock) and decode it in the software using the Bus clock, delay, enable... Regarding the MSB/LSB indices, by changing these you could decode to fractional numbers.
  13. Hi @CeeKay Sorry but I thought this post is about ADP3450 :) The "invalid data count provided" is when index + count is higher than the buffer size or negative. See the AnalogIn_Record.py AnalogIn_Record_Trigger.py or the other examples. How many samples are you capturing? are you using trigger? if so where is the trigger position? Could you post or send me your record loop code? This is ok: The device buffer overflow, like here at 5MHz, results is similar data corruption: At higher rate or latency also results in loss of samples:
  14. Hi @FrankS The 1GHz oscilloscope may be an overkill for such task but you could do something like this with ADP5250. We are planning on a voltage/current adapter for Analog Discovery but it will take some time to be available.
  15. Hi @MTA For performance reasons the application limits the capture to 128MiS and the data can be exported to file. For larger capture the example Python scripts can be used. In the future I'll add record to file option for the application. In Standard boot mode (usb and ethernet device) the recording can go up to ~20MSps (4channel x 5MHz) since this uses the device DDRam as 128MS buffer. In Linux device mode about 4MSps (4channel x 1MSps or 2 x 2MSps or 1 x 4MSps). These rates depend on the computer.
  16. Hi @MTA The mentioned limit is for the Logger tool in the WaveForms application. For the ADP3X50 the maximum rate for 'unlimited' recording (Scope to PC) over USB or Ethernet is about 4MS/s. In embedded Linux mode it can capture at much higher rate, depending on storage media (Ram, EMMC, USB...), CPU utilization... In Standard boot mode it can capture 128MiS at up to 125MHz. For details take a look at the WF app Help:
  17. Hi @CeeKay Have you used USB or Ethernet connection? Please try the latest WF beta version: This brings some improvements for recording over Ethernet with Standard boot mode and further optimizations if less channels are used. If this doesn't help try the Linux boot mode. The Standard is a baremetal app with USB and Eth (LwIP). The Linux is a bit slower but it could provide better network support.
  18. Hi @kaamil1984 It can be done. 1. You can use the "Send & Receive" tab of UART. 2. To automate things you can use the Script tool. 3. WF SDK for custom app/scripts.
  19. Hi @mtoff As a last attempt please install the latest WF beta: https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/ Disconnect the device, open WaveForms Device Manager, click "My device is not listed", connect the device, find Find and Program, then reconnect the device. If this doesn't help either for warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number
  20. Hi @mtoff It could be a powering issue or damaged device. Try using the original or other USB cables you have at hand, other USB plugs (the ones on the back of the PC), try powered USB hub, auxiliary 5V DC power supply... See the following posts:
  21. Hi @FrankS Use one oscilloscope channel to capture the filter/DUT input (Wavegen output) and the other one for the filter output, as it is used in Network or Impedance Analyzer. Emulating the Wavegen output or sampling DAC data is not supported since these may not be precise and could be misleading. The signal can be attenuated, distorted due to current limitation, at high frequency the DAC and output latency could be significant...
  22. Hi @Rei Hashimoto I'm glad to hear the problem is isolated. I hope it will work after replacing the diode.
  23. Hi @Rei Hashimoto I don't know where have you measured earlier... Is the -5V5 on C217 ok? Are the ferrites good? D7? L5?
  24. Hi @kaamil1984 Depending on your requirements you can use: 1. WaveForms application/ Protocol/ UART interface 2. WF app Script tool, see the following example: 3. WF SDK, see manual and examples/ py/ Digital_Uart.py
  25. Hi @Rei Hashimoto The +5V5 looks good but not the -5V5 See figure 30 https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery/reference-manual#user_voltage_supplies1 https://digilent.com/reference/_detail/analog_discovery/int7.png?id=test-and-measurement%3Aanalog-discovery%3Areference-manual Here you have top and bottom layout with marker parts/pads.
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