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  1. @attila Thank you! Is there a function to change sample number too or does it depend on the number of elements in the array?
  2. Hi @attila Are there functions to control the delay specifically though? Like for instance I can use custom = array to fill the pattern but maybe there is a delay function that works like the Waveforms GUI to help to shift the bits in the pattern accordingly?
  3. Hi @attila Do you know if there are any script functions to control the samples number and delay values within the pattern generator.
  4. Hi @attila Do you know what are the script functions for setting base and position in the Logic Analyser window. I saw there is .Time.Position.value. Does it help to set or get position?
  5. Hi @attila Does this new update has additional features pertaining to TCP?
  6. @attila I see, thank you. Excited for the new update!
  7. @attila Do you know if the Tcp server on waveform script has a timeout? Are there keepalive functions to keep server open as long as code is running?
  8. @attila Thank you! I managed to resolve the syncing problem.
  9. @attila Hi, I tried to run synchronous socket client functions in C# to connect with Waveform script server. However, it seems that there are times the data sent is not received on the server side(the same code also works sometimes). Would you recommend using async or sync on C#? Do you know if it is required for me to close the server after one run or can I just keep it listening without closing it until my c# code is finished.
  10. Hi @attila Do you have a sample code of how TCP functions work in waveforms scripting? Thanks. I am trying to use Waveforms script as the server
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