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Judy Neal

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  1. Instacal 6.72 is not the problem because it works fine. The program we created a while ago only works with instacal version 6.51 but when we download it to windows 11 then it doesnt detect any boards or usb 1608G . Please refer to attachment for Screenshots of the problem. INSTACAL.pdf
  2. Instacal 6.51 works on windows 11 but it does not recognize any boards or in this case the USB 1608G. The only way we get it to work properly is if we download windows 10, download instacal then update it to windows 11 but we are trying to avoid using that due to windows cutting off support for windows 10 in 2025. Yes we downloaded the new instacal 6.72 and it does recognize the boards but the program we try to run on it doesnt support it.
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