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  1. Hello @attila Thanks for your response, but unfortunately this seems not to work properly for us. When we are doing the dwf.FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(Apply) after every dwf.FDwfAnalogOutFrequencySet(Freq), the frequency output is always somehow delayed/distorted, right before the new frequency is applied. See attached screenshot. What we would need, is to beeing able to change the frequency in the mHz range, without distorting the output. Otherwise our DUT gets out of resonance and needs a very long time, to re-stabilize. Is there some way to do this with the SDK?
  2. Hello, I am using the AD3 via SDK to generate a ~200 Hz sine wave. Depending on some measurement & claculation, I do adjust the frequency via FDwfAnalogOutNodeFrequencySet. Frequency Increments/Decrements can be as low as some mHz. Now I see, that always when setting the frequency, the waveform stops for ~2ms before it restarts with the newly set frequency. Now I have two questions: Is there a way to change the frequency 'randomly' from the SDK, without stoping the waveform for every new frequency? Can this somehow be done on both output channels synchronously, by keeping a constant phase-shift between CH1 & CH2?
  3. Thanks @attila for the detailled answer. I will implement it like that!
  4. Thank you @attila for your swift reply. Works perfect. Problem solved!
  5. if individual SN setting is somehow not possible, another option would be, to return the name of the eclypse device, which can be individually set in waveforms. at the moment i just get an empty string when calling FDwfEnumDeviceName on an Eclypse device. This makes it a bit difficult, to distuingish two such devices from the sdk
  6. In Waveforms I can enable the WaveGen channel and display the AnalogOut in parallel with the AnalogIn channels (Tested with AD3 and EclypseZ7). Now I try to do that with the SDK, but somehow I cannot figure out, how to read the AnalogOut. No problem to read the AnalogIn channels, but i did not figure out yet, how to readback the AnalogOut channels Any Hint, where in the doc/examples I can see, how to readback the AnalogOut? Thanks in advance
  7. ok, would have been a useful feature. another question: is there a way, to set another SN on the Eclypse SD-Card containing the Waveforms bin? not only 00000000? could be handy to distinguish two connected boards
  8. thanks @attila ok, so if i interpret your answer correctly, T2 is for trigger sync and T1 will be for clock sync. T1 & T2 is for both. plz correct me, If I got that wrong.
  9. Tanks for the info. What's the disadvantage, when only connecting T2, instead of T1+T2, as per attached dialog?
  10. Hi, I see, that Waveforms Software seems to support Dual device mode for EclypseZ7 boards. But I can't find, which pins are used for the T1 & T2 signals, which are needed for the sync. Any hint, where I can find that info? best regards Stef
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