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Everything posted by NCBayaras

  1. I have a question in regards to, as stated in the title, about the PCAM 5 format as well trying to get rid of the yellow filtering that comes when registering the RGB pixels are that are being registered. In regards to the PCAM 5 format I know the OV5640 Camera board has the outputs YUV(422/420)/YCbCr422, RGB565/555/444, CCIR656 RAW RGB , and Compressed Data and I know its being registered via the cam.set_isp_format() in the PCAM 5 demo code but what is the exact format? if we're having it default. How can we fix the Yellow Filtering so that it doesn't "muddy" the values being shown? Obviously blue, as seen in the attached photo, it doesn't necessarily show the issue but when we take a normal video the yellow is more prominent. I will attach below the code we added to show those pixel values. RGB_Registration.txt
  2. Good Evening, I have a question in regard to image resizing and color correction for Zybo z7 - 10. I am using the zybo z7 pcam 5c demo (2023.1 but there's no version for the 2018.2 version) as my base for image processing (this worked) as well as using the workshop (Apparently, the edge detection didn't work, according to my partners. Do you guys have any resources I could utilize to create an edge detection module? According to the pdf, it should work, but it doesn't.) to construct the modules for edge detection for the pcam w/ the z7 - 10. However, I am having difficulties in understanding how to proceed from here in regards to image resizing and color correction, and I've been looking for the past few days for any content that could help me in this matter. Most finished projects use the z7-20 but rn I'm restrained in using the z7-10 and I don't have money to buy the z7-20 version.
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