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Everything posted by DanielHP

  1. Hi zygot, I appreciate your time helping me figure this out. We still want to take advantage of this board's differential-capable pins, but as you mentioned, adding an LVDS receiver in between to leave these chips (driver/receiver) to handle the actual differential signaling. Yes, it would be better to explain this detail beforehand in the board's reference guide. It is a consuming task just to realize we cannot use the differential line as expected. Best, Daniel.
  2. Hello there, I'm planning to use the PMOD high-speed connector from the Arty-Z7 as I need to drive signals around 23MHz. So the recommended way to do that (>10MHz) is by using differential signals. I see from the reference manual that the 100 ohm trace impedance and 0 ohm shunt resistors are ideal to achieve that requirement. However, I noticed the FPGA pins are configured to work with 3.3V signals only. I plan to use a LVDS receiver on the other end with it's corresponding 100 ohm. How can I pass these signals to match the LVDS requirement? Otherwise, is there another differential standard that I can use with 3.3V signals? Thank you, Daniel.
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