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  1. About 1.5 years old. I can work with you to get that info to you. Thanks for the support.
  2. After 2 power cycles with a minute between unplug/replug I'm still getting the error:.
  3. Hi JRys, I recently experienced the same issue with a remote device having the same error presented when attempting to operate. [An error about the DAQ Service not running] After two power cycles the same issue persists. Are there any additional suggestions?
  4. Hello Fausto Ive been working with the WebDAQ 504 and would like to get access to the source code. Thanks, Phil
  5. Hi Jeffrey, Is this still the case - No Linux converter? The .wdd format is presenting some challenges when converting and any additional info beyond the linked info would be helpful. Any scripts utilized that could be shared. Perhaps the converter built on the device itself (accessible via the UI) could be shared as that should be a script that is run on the device itself ? https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50726.aspx?_ga=2.231930456.659366427.1690296752-1110839529.1679674608
  6. JEUV, Did you check with your Network Admin to see if it is being blocked at your firewall? Many companies manage what devices can communicate on a network and it very well could be being blocked. Perhaps try plugging directly into the WebDAQ 504 with your PC in order to access it without having to worry about company policy. Can you confirm that you have actually connected directly to it before when plugged in directly to your PC?
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