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Yuko Yamamoto

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Everything posted by Yuko Yamamoto

  1. Thank you Mr. Colvin. Your content will need to be approved by a moderator Referring to information in the forum, I downloaded and set up the Digilent Adept software, but the situation did not improve. On the Device Manager, the Digilent device is recognized, as in the forum image. On VivadoManager, it recognizes up to Localhost, but not FPGA devices. I tried setting the JTAG frequency to the lowest, but it had no effect. A screen image is the USB connection in progress Thanks
  2. Adding circuit information, No diodes are inserted between the connector and pins 17/16(USB_DP/USB_DM), No diodes are inserted between the connector and pins 17/16, and the pattern length between the connector and pins 17/16 is wired as short as possible. Currently, pins 3(CTS), 6(TXD), 5(RXD), and 4(RTS) are functioning, but pins 13(TMS), 10(TCK), 12(TDI), and 11(TDO) are not functioning. Are there any other factors?
  3. We want a write a bit file to an FPGA(Artix-7, XC7A200T) using Vivado lab edition 2017.1. The localhost is recognized on hw-manager, but the FPGA devise is not recognized. We have tried the following methods. - Installation of FTDI driver - Writing board name, etc. to EEPROM (using the commands described in the AMD datasheet) The UART signal is working and communication is established between the PC and FPGA. Can you please confirm the cause of the problem? Thanks
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