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  1. Hi @Jeffrey I carefully read MCC DAQ HAT LIBRARY (https://mccdaq.github.io/daqhats/c.html#c.mcc172_a_in_sensitivity_write). It says: "Write the MCC 172 analog input sensitivity scaling factor for a single channel. This applies a scaling factor to the analog input data so it returns values that are meaningful for the connected sensor. The sensitivity is specified in mV / mechanical unit. The default value when opening the library is 1000, resulting in no scaling of the input voltage. Changing this value will not change the values reported by mcc172_info() since it is simply sensor scaling applied to the data before returning it. Examples: - A seismic sensor with a sensitivity of 10 V/g. Set the sensitivity to 10,000 and the returned data will be in units of g. - A vibration sensor with a sensitivity of 100 mV/g. Set the sensitivity to 100 and the returned data will be in units of g." So I think that when we are using the sensitivity parameter, the polling program shows the value in "g". Is it correct?
  2. Hello. The WebDAQ 504 manufacturer's website states that the open source code is available upon request from info@mccdaq.com. I wrote to the email and they answered me that I need to request it here, on this forum. How can I get the code? Thank you advance
  3. MCC 172 measures the voltage of the IEPE sensor, right? How to convert this data into acceleration and velocity?
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