Hi @Jeffrey
I carefully read MCC DAQ HAT LIBRARY (https://mccdaq.github.io/daqhats/c.html#c.mcc172_a_in_sensitivity_write).
It says:
"Write the MCC 172 analog input sensitivity scaling factor for a single channel.
This applies a scaling factor to the analog input data so it returns values that are meaningful for the connected sensor.
The sensitivity is specified in mV / mechanical unit. The default value when opening the library is 1000, resulting in no scaling of the input voltage. Changing this value will not change the values reported by mcc172_info() since it is simply sensor scaling applied to the data before returning it.
- A seismic sensor with a sensitivity of 10 V/g. Set the sensitivity to 10,000 and the returned data will be in units of g.
- A vibration sensor with a sensitivity of 100 mV/g. Set the sensitivity to 100 and the returned data will be in units of g."
So I think that when we are using the sensitivity parameter, the polling program shows the value in "g".
Is it correct?