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Posts posted by JimR2

  1. Attila,

    Sorry for the multiple replys.


    Thanks for info on FPGA fan. So If I understand you correctly, it should be ON all the time? Mine has never turned on, so perhaps thats an indication of another issue?

    Also should mention I've tried 2 different USB cables, including the one that came with the Z7.

    Will stop and get more SD cards tonight to try. Thanks for your help, hopefully can get this going! I really like the Waveforms based eco-system you guys have.


    Regards, Jim


  2. Attila,


    I have installed WF 3.19.19, as seen below. Had to turn off my Norton Firewall to use it, guess thats a Beta thing?

    I re-formatted my 32G SDHC card with default settings, copied over the DCFG_07_01_01.bin and renamed, and still get same response as indicated above (LED's light as indicated as normal, but no connection to windows evident)..


    I assume the USB driver used by the Z7 is the same as the other instruments? Again, there is no indication by windows it recognizes as USB device.

    If thre are any other recommendations, please let me know. If there is another connection method I should try, let me know what you suggest, I will try after work today. Have to go make $$ to afford these hobbies :)


    Thanks, Jim




  3. Attila


    Thanks for the link for the Beta versions, SD Card just finished formatting, will give it another go.


    Couple more debug questions

    1) Is the fact that Windows does not acknowledge the Z7 when USB is plugged in a function of the SD Boot, or does the port config happen using may a on board EEPROM?

    2) Should the FPGA fan be running all the time, or is it controlled via a temp sensor?

    Thanks, Jim


  4. Thanks for the link, forgot Betas are in different location.

    Couple other simple debug questions.

    1) When I plug in the USB, Windows does not acknowledge a device was plugged in. Could that be a function of the SD Card boot, or does the port get configured by something else, like a boot rom on board?


    Hi Attila,

    It's a SDHC, as seen in pic. Should the allocation size make a difference? I'm doing long re-formatting with default settings since I'm not sure what I may have used the card for before.

    Where do I get access to the WF 3.19.19 downloads? I only see WF 3.19.5 as the latest?

    Thanks, Jim


  5. Hi,

    Hopefully someone can help me understand why the Eclypse Z7 I just received isn't connecting to Waveforms?

    I followed the Resource instructions for booting from a SD card. Using a 32G FAT32 formatted card, I copied the file indicated and renamed, as shown in the pic.


    I have 4 other Digilent devices (AD2, DD, ADP3450 and DPS3340, and they all connect fine. I have the jumper JP5 set for SD and am using the USB port labeled USB nearest the power supply connector.

    When I power on, the top red LED lights, as well as the LD2 and LD3 next to the ZMODS (which are both 1410-105's).

    The Z7 never appears to connect to the USB? I'm using the same powered USB hub for the Z7, as the other 4 Digilent instruments.

    When I start Waveforms, I see all the other devices, but no Z7? 


    Any idea what I should try next? I thought this would be a quick way to check the Z7 was working? In meantime, am downloading Vivado. For reference, I also included the Waveforms version below in a pic, should be the latest.


    Thanks for any help or guidance!


    Regards, JimR2





  6. Understood. My situation is a little different that I am sampling data into RAM at 120MSPS, and then dumping to Matlab for FFT post processing, via the Digital Discoverys Sync mode. I am only using the sample rate as representative of the captured data rate in this case, not the rate at which it's being dumped at. 

    Would be convenient to have the sample time align with the original sample rate for easier FFT post processing, but easily fixed in Matlab in this case. Was just an observation.


    Thanks for consideration.



  7. Hi,

    I've been using the Digital Discovery to dump time interleaved ADC data captured in FPGA RAM, each at 60MSPS (for an interleaved data rate of 120MSPS).

    In Synchronous capture mode, the Rate: is only representative of the data time sequence step, which when dumped from RAM could be any rate! In this case 120MSPS.

    When I set the Rate: setting to 120MHz to get the timescale in the log data correct for FFT analysis, it defaults back to 100MHz.

    Of course I can correct this on the post-processing end, but was wondering if this default could be over-ridden? Or at the very least considered for a future version update, if only for the Sync case where the 100MHz limit really doesn't apply?


    Thanks, JimR2


  8. Hi, 

    I have a digital discovery that I'm using to read data dumps from a high speed ADC output captured in memory on an FPGA. This is being done on DIN0-DIN16. I am using SYNC mode since the FPGA provide a clock with the data, so I only get one sample per clock edge. Thats been working great using the Waveforms button pushes.

    I now a

    m trying to automate it by cross-triggering from a ADP3450, and setting up a StaticIO input on the DD. My intent is run a script on DD that senses this trigger, and do the button pushes to run(SYNC) the data and dump to files.

    Using the DIN0..23 DIO 34..31 setting in the DD, and with the StaticIO panel up using DIO24, I can see the signal from the ADP3450, no problem. But then when I try to read this in the script using a similar command and situation I had on my AD2, the same syntax does not work for some reason?


    The simple code that I am trying to use is below, and it generates an error seen in the 2nd pic? I've tried several different permutations, but the following line works perfectly in the AD2, so I'm not sure what the issue is? The channel number from what I understand is in groups of 8 (as defined in the Scripting help) but trying different channel #s, no channel number, creates same issue.


    Hope you can help!


    Regards, Jim Riches


    // Line from AD2 that works is -       "if( StaticIO.Channel1.DIO14.Input.value ) {"

    // Simple DD Script

    var i=0


    if( StaticIO.Channel3.DIO24.Input.value ) {

    // Do SYNC run and file save

    print("Run:", i+1)








  9. Thanks zygot and attila, that is what I suspected, but had to ask.

    attila, from your explanation this implies the data table provided (say in my case I chose 4096K configuration of a two-tone signal), the data is resampled to scale to whatever frequency is selected in the wavegen? This may explain why I can achieve lower harmonic content using a Custom waveform generated in excel, and copy pasted in, vs building it using the "alter with" and sine functions?


    Thanks, JimR2

  10. I'm curious how a Custom waveform which, in this case I generate in Excel and copy-paste into the Sample area of the Custom-Edit window is then handled when I use it to generate a waveform, such as with the below two-tone table with 3 and 7 cycles over the 4096 table entries.

    If I set the Wavegen to 1MHz, it would appear that the rate the 4096 sample table is repeating is 1MHz, which would produce a 3MHz and 7MHz tone as seen in the 3rd image. But what I don't understand is how the sample-rate could be 4.096GHz? I thought the Wavegen DAC is limited to 125MSPS? 

    What am I missing here? 


    Thanks, JimR2






  11. Hi All,


    I'm Jim Riches, an electrical engineer who has a long history of wireless IC design, mostly data converters and baseband circuitry.

    I was looking for an upgraded lower cost logic analyzer for my FPGA hobby, and various other hobbies, and came across the Digilent instruments. I was a little hesitant at first, I don't normally like to group too many functions into one instrument, but decided after hunting around to get the Digital Discovery as well as the ADP3450 ( to upgrade from my 8-bit Hantak PC scopes).

    I've used them for a couple days now, and so far I am impressed.  Still getting used to the very capable Waveforms tool, and all the features of these tools. Already watched all the ADP2 Tutorial videos, very useful.

    Look forward interacting with the community!


    Regards, JR

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