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Posts posted by EmaZybo97

  1. Hi @JColvin,
    Thank you for your answer.

    I did other tests and as you suggested at the beginning ( 

    On 9/10/2022 at 12:54 AM, JColvin said:

    The behavior you are describing sounds like a power issue where the board suddenly draws too much power

    ) the problem is related to the power supply. I have tried running the program with an external power supply and it seems to work fine. Is it normal that without an external power supply the OLEDrgb does not work? I worked also with the MTDS module (a time ago) and in that case I did not have these kind of problems.

    Anyway, thank you very much again for your help!



    On 9/15/2022 at 12:28 AM, JColvin said:

    2021.2 has been running unreasonably slow for me

    This could be related to a problem with the hw server (as you mentioned earlier) that I avoided by replacing it with Vivado2020's hw server. (In any case I also did a test with the Vivado clean installation, but even then the module needs external power).

  2. On 9/13/2022 at 1:30 AM, JColvin said:

    is the Pmod OLEDrgb that you have attached to Pmod header JE on the Zybo Z7-20?

    Yes It is. I also tried on JC.

    Are you using the vivado-library from master branch on GitHub?

    In this other guide https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/getting-started-with-pmod-ips, in the section "Add Digilent's Vivado Library to a Vivado Project" there is a v2020.1-1 ZIP file. But It is not available to download (in both references). Is there an updated lib?


  3. Hello, thanks both for your answer.

    @Richm  I did a check in the AdressEditor/Map and the xparameters.h file as you suggest but there was no mismatch between addresses as shown in the photos below. 







    @JColvin I did another test. I tried to create a system with OLEDrgb as a hierarchical block following this guide: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/hierarchical-blocks (I used the vivado-library repository "feature / merged_hierarchies" branch: https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library/tree/feature/merged-hierarchies). This time there is no crash but the module still does not work (the DONE led is high). I also did one last test to understand where the problem could be. I added a series of xil_printf inside the OLEDrgb_begin function and the OLEDrgb_DeviInit function and these are the results: 






    For some reason, it can't end the Write_SPI function inside the OLEDrgb_DevInit, so I assumed it could be due to a communication problem (I have not made any other changes to the SDK).
    Hope this could help. Please, tell me if you need additional details.



    Immagine 2022-09-12 131606.png

  4. Hello, I'm trying to use PModOLEDrgb on a Zybo Z7-20 and run the basic Demo provided by the library but I have a problem with it.
    I follow all the steps indicated in the Getting Started guide (https://digilent.com/reference/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/pmod-ips/start) but  I still have problems. I'm using Vivado 2021.2 and until the board programming, all seem fine: I'm able to generate the bitstream, build the Platform and Application Project without errors. However, when I try to program the board an unexpected crash appears. The board is reset and I hear the classic Windows "cable reconnected sound". 
    I did some tests with vivado-library takes from master branch and with vivado-library takes from last release (with the updated Makefiles) but the results are the same.
    In the pictures above there are my Block Design and my settings, I hope that they can help to understand where is the problem, maybe I missed some steps, or I have a wrong configuration.








    During my tests, I saw that the crash is somehow related to the function OLEDrgb_begin(). 
    I surrounded the begin function with two xil_print to Debug the situation and only the first one is correctly visualized.
    If I comment the begin function the board and the "Done" Led stay on. 
    I also supposed that the problem could be the hardware module, but I test it on my Arduino and it work. 

    Could you help me solve this problem?
    In case, there is another guide to follow or some sample projects I could try on my board?


    Tell me if you need more information, I will provide you as soon as possible.

    Thanks and Best Regards.

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