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Everything posted by JRys

  1. Hey Walda14, If you're using a voltmeter to measure the output voltage and are touching to probe tips to the screw terminal tops, make sure the terminal is anchored down on a wire or screwed down completely. With this in mind, you could use the Measurement Computing DAQami program to test the outputs to make sure they are working. DAQami is $49 but runs as a trial for 28-days. After the trial has expired, it still can be used but not to save analog input data. Use the following link to download DAQami: https://www.mccdaq.com/downloads/DAQami/daqamisetup.exe. regards...
  2. Hello, I did not see an input noise specification in the Analog Discovery 2 (AD2) Resource Center (reference page). However, when I do a similar test with the BNC adapter board and a scope probe (DC coupling), my results are 10 - 12 mVpp. This equates to roughly 4 counts of p-p noise where each count is 3mV. An FFT of the signal did not show a significant 60 Hz noise component however, if the probe is switched to 10x, then a 60 Hz component did appeared. regards...
  3. Hello, The cable layout on the Analog Discovery 2 (AD2) Resource Center page shows how the individual wires are arranged with the cable inserted into the AD2. If you open the plastic case and look at the header connector solder pads, you will see that one of them is square, this is pin 1 (digital bit 7). The pins on that side of the connector are odd number and the other side are even. For example, digital bit 6 is pin 3, digital bit 5 is pin 5 and so on. regards, John
  4. Hello, You must have InstaCal 6.73 install on Windows 11 for it to work. The first time you run InstaCal with the USB-TEMP/TC you should get a window indicating you must perform an update. After running the update, either restart Windows or repower the device by plugging it back in. Run InstaCal again and it should recognize your device and allow you to configure it. If you do not have InstaCal 6.73, download our latest DAQ Software CD using the following: https://www.mccdaq.com/downloads/MCCDaqCD/mccdaq.exe Regards, John
  5. Hello, Often overlooked is our UL Help that can provide useful information about a specific product. The shortcut to it can be found on the Measurement Computing start program menu. A good place to start is to click the Search tab and perform a search on "USB-1208HS-4AO". This will provide a link to the device's page, which lists the functions and scan options to use. There you will see that both the AInScan and AOutScan functions support the external trigger option - EXTTRIGGER. If you include this option in the scan options for both functions, neither process will start until a rising edge of a +5 volt pulse is detected on pin 39 - see page 0 in the user manual for pinout names. There is another better way, instead of EXTTRIGGER use EXTCLOCK. With this option, neither will run (and continue to run) until a +5 volt square wave clock is applied to pins 35 & 37. For a clock signal, use the timer output and connect pin 43 to 35 & 37. This assures both run in lock-step until the clock is removed. regards, John
  6. Hello, It's not recommended to create board objects each time a single temperature value is needed. Instead, create them once as a global object. Take a look at the MCC118 example called "mult_hat_synchronous_scan.py". It has a function called "select_hat_devices(filter_by_id, number_of_devices" and it returns a list of daqhat objects. Copy the function to your program and call it once to establish a list of MCC134 objects. Here's an example of how you would use it: DEVICE_COUNT = 4 hats = slect_hat_devices(HatIDs.MCC_134, DEVICE_COUNT) The hats list now contains the four mcc134 objects. Right after this function call, you could configure the thermocouple types too. Then all that is need in your Rec_Data() function is to iterate the object list reading the four channels from each board. Regards, John
  7. Hi Marcel, See if you have a ULx folder in \National Instruments\Shared\ and in \National Instruments\LabVIEW 2021\Examples\. If the ULx folders are present the support is install. However, the menu file somehow vanished. The following KB article addresses this topic: https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50382.aspx The help file should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ULx. If it is there, you could make your own shortcut. Best regards, John
  8. Hello Alexandre, It makes no sense that the storage temperature is less than the operating temperature. Therefore, I am thinking that the storage specification is incorrect. From what I can tell, it uses the FT232HQ chip and its specification lists a storage temperature of -65 to 150 Degrees C - see below. Here is a link to the data sheet I found: https://ftdichip.com/products/ft232hq/ Best regards, John
  9. The specifications can be found on the Analog Discovery 2 Resource page: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/start?redirect=1
  10. Hello Paul, The Analog Discovery 2 (AD2) measures voltage. Its input impedance is approximately 1M ohm. It's not recommended to work directly with high voltage because if something were to go wrong, the voltage could make it way back to the operator. Its best to use an isolation signal conditioning module between your test rig and the AD2 inputs. The 8B series from www.dataforth.com has 1500 volts of isolation and will provide some protection. However, these may be a problem for you because their bandwidth is less than that of the AD2. Going back to your question, what I see is a 100:1 voltage divider. If the discharge voltage hits 10000 volts, the voltage at the AD2 terminals could reach 100 volts, which exceeds the 25 volt maximum input range and damage the unit. John
  11. Hey Bill, I misread your post. Email your device model and serial number to info@mccdaq.com and we will email you a PDF of the calibration certificate. Thanks, John
  12. The EU Declaration of Conformity (ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010) is listed in the back of the user manual. Below is an example from the USB-1208FS-PLUS user manual. If you are looking for something else, email your request to info@mccdaq.com. Make sure to include your device model and serial number.
  13. Hello, The USB-1208HS is a good device and will meet your requirements. Something to think about is that it uses multiplexing to switch the channels one at a time to the A/D converter. This mean there is a small time skew between each of the channels. Sampling four channels at 100k Hz (400k samples per second) would result in approximately 2.5uS between each channel. If you were to bump up the sample rate to 250k Hz per channel (1M samples per second), the channel-to-channel time would drop to 1uS. There is a scan option called BURST mode that forces the channel-to-channel time to the minimum, but it's not available in our ULx for LabVIEW support. If you wish to have virtually no time skew between channels, consider the USB-1608FS-Plus or the USB-1808X. These devices have a per channel A/D converter to read the inputs at the same time. Regards, John
  14. your system pretty much matches mine. I check my /usr/local/lib folder and there should be a file named libuldaq.1.dylib (3.3M). Also, a file name libusb-1.0.0.dylib (192k). Here's what mine looks like:
  15. Hi Fergal, You are correct, the buffer is maintained in the driver. This allows us to use a small hardware buffer and this is true for most of our devices. For many applications, a large buffer is unnecessary because it can be update during operation. In the following example, the buffer is update while running. It writes the same data (for simplicity) over-n-over - first updating the low half then the upper half of the buffer depending on the index location. https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50719.aspx Regards, John
  16. We have uldaq running on a MacBook Pro with the M1 chip running the latest macOS 12.4 (Monterey). I can only speculate that maybe it is building to x86_64. What is the output from "gcc --version"
  17. UPDATE: the attached make file builds to a 64-bit specification allowing files greater than 2GiB. Copy it to the following folder overwriting the existing file. daqhats/examples/c/mcc118/data_logger/logger. Use "make clean; make" to remake the executable and it will (should) create files larger than 2GiB. makefile
  18. change directory --> \libuldaq-1.2.1\examples\ run the following ./AIn and ./AInScan if they run, then the driver is installed and it's the Python stuff giving you fits.
  19. did you notice an error during the ./config && make, if so the following may help:
  20. Hi Lorenzo, Do you get this error with the ULDaq python examples? What is the HW device and which example? Thanks John
  21. the following was taken from a Stackoverflow forum thread: "On Linux, write() (and similar system calls) will transfer at most 0x7ffff000 (2,147,479,552) bytes, returning the number of bytes actually transferred. (This is true on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.)" This answer more than likely includes functions like fprintf() used by the logger example. In other words, we use 32-bit c functions for the logging to file operation, which limits the size to 2GB.
  22. Hello, The count variable is a Long number type, so it is a signed 32 bit number. A negative buffer size make no sense, so the maximum is half that or 2,147,483,647. But ultimately, it will depend on what your system will allow. John
  23. Hello, I ran ULAI01 from our C# example library using the demo board and didn't have this problem. Hoping for a clue, I searched "NullReferenceException" in our support database and found that it could be caused by having multiple copy of our DLL's and CFG files. Search your hard drive starting at the root "C:\" for the following: cbw32.dll, cbw64.dll and cb.cfg. The correct locations are as follows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Measurement Computing\DAQ\ (for the two DLLs) C:\ProgramData\Measurement Computing\DAQ\ (for the CFG) delete any copies that are not in our folders. Thanks John
  24. Hello, In general, to have a MCC product repaired or calibrated send an email to info@mccdaq.com. Please include your contact info as well as the model and serial number. If it's more than one year old, you will receive a sales quote to order the requested service. Best regards, John
  25. Hi Bryan, The USB-3103 is not an item that can be sent in for repair. However, it is cover with our 1-year warranty, so you're eligible to get a new replacement. You're in our database so I have your contact info. I will reach out to you by email with an RMA number that isuse to return this unit. Best regards, John
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