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  1. I'm using an Arty A7-100 and I'm seeing something strange in the board file. The CK_SS line - SS on J6 - connects to pin C1 in the schematic. It is set to V17 in the board file. The SPI CS does show up on Arduino IO-10. This is pin V17 on the schematic. The board file has"shield_dp0_dp19_tri_i_10" wired to "C1". I think that these are reversed?
  2. An update: I made it work using Vivado 2015.2. It sometimes reports an 'invalid temac configuration', but it usually works. There is something definitely wonky with later SDK (and perhaps IPI) versions. I am not looking forward to the task of porting it to later version. TomF: What versions of software are you using? There is a comment in the Avnet documentation saying that they found an issue with provided software, and had to patch it to make it work on the Arty card. (And BTW, what is your "low temperature" ?) G.
  3. Perhaps a related issue: I just received an Arty-A7-100, and am trying to run the Avnet LwIP example working. First issue is that their software repository (UG-AES-A7MB-7A35T-G-Arty_lwIP_EthernetLite_VIV2015_v1.pdf - page 32) does not work. If I try to create a project as described (page 34) SDK aborts. If I try to build a BSP using LwIP from that repository, the build fails. Second issue is that if I use the Xilinx LwIP the initialization routine hangs. Something is weird, perhaps marginal, that is stopping the Ethernet port from working. Or it could be that the IP needs to be configured specially for this board? I'm using 2018.3 - per my client's specification. Regards, Gary.
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