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Everything posted by petriggg

  1. Hi @RCB! I read that article from Levi's blog. According to it I customized DDS compiler and get the 25 MHz sine wave. Now I try to tune up the FFT Core. Thank you for source files (I sent a request for access), but I work in a Vivado 2015.4 and, probably, will not open files from Vivado 2019.1. Can you share some screenshots with your FFT IP customization window and part of blockdesign with FFT core? Only screenshots will enougth. Especially I interesting about input data. Where need to place phase factor, I guess that in a least significant bits, right? And one more question. How you get the signal on magnitude_tdata? It's just a sum of real and imaginary components of FFT result? How you get this, by Adder/Substracter IP?
  2. Can you post what you did? Thank you. And, please, show your blockdesign (or part of it with FFT), FFT IP parameters.
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