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Shani Kleinman

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Everything posted by Shani Kleinman

  1. Hi, We are using Metaware debugger with Digilent JTAG-HS2 cable Rev.A for JTAG connection. When 20 taps are in the chain, the chain is identified and we are able to connect to every processor and do single wr/rd, but failed to download data with some of the processors. In waves, we noticed that between successful write transactions we see an unexpected command of 4 clocks of high TMS with low TDI that coming from the driver. When reducing number of participating taps in the chain to 16, we are able to download to all remained processors successfully. The issue is consistent with other HS2-RevA cables. Issue sound similar to the following post in the forum: Is there any known HW issue in the cable or in the driver? Thanks.
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