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Matlab for AD2



I'm not sure if this is the right area!

BUT, I'm trying to use matlab to control a DC motor for the purposes of control labs at a university. So far I have found that MATLAB is very limited with its functionality when it comes to the AD2, which is not good for me......

Does anyone know if MATLAB's Simulink has functionality to run both an output and input from an AD2? doesn't seem to work with both! this is not good for control.

My other option was to just write the MATLAB code and put it into a GUI, again MATLAB appears to be quite slow when it comes to sending the information out to the motor.

Any advice or examples would be appreciated, I'm also looking at labview, but I MATLAB is preferred!

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Hi @jsherman86,

I have moved your question to a more appropriate section of the Forum.

My current understanding is that there isn't any direct support for the Analog Discovery 2 with MATLAB at this time. There are a number of threads discussing this here, here, and here. I spoke with our product manager for our scopes and instruments line and they have not heard any update for the MATLAB DAQ support package to target the Analog Discovery 2 (rather than just the Analog Discovery original).


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