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What is this? And can it be attached to a MyDaq.


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This is my first year to teach digital electronics through Project Lead The Way, and at our training we used the MyDaq and the board with it.  When I arrived we had 10 boxes, unopened, of these boards.  I am wondering what this is, and if there is a way I can connect this board to a MyDaq.  The picture of the board is too large, so the barcode is: E01X0D75D


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It is a national instruments digital electronics FPGA board.  It contains a SSD with two digits, 8 switches, a dial, 4buttons, and it has a connection that looks like it could be plugged into a computer.  It also has two XILINX CHIPS hardwired in.  I do not know how else to describe it.

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Hi BJWilliams,

Oh, is this it? The NI Digital Electronics Board that can come with the NI Elvis II?

If that is the case, since Digilent does not sell this board (nor the NI Elvis or myDAQ) we do not have any support for it. You will need to contact National Instruments to find out if it can interface nicely with myDAQ since we would not be able to answer that question accurately. I personally suspect that it would not be able to connect to the myDAQ because it does not have the MSP connector that the myDAQ has, but I don't know if an adapter exists.

I'm sorry we couldn't offer any more help.


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