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Does the HOME edition of LabView work on Windows Vista?

Very IMPORTANT - How many personal computers at home can I install HOME edition of LabView?
My husband and I both have a desktop and a laptop.
However, the machine I want to put it on is a HP running Windows Vista.
If I got a new computer running Windows 10, would that work???
You didn’t send me the USB cable, which I will be buying myself; I am grateful for your fast shipping.
This LabView is very exciting for me, as a hobbyist and disabled person who is trying to keep her mind sharp so I won’t lose my mind due to degenerative diseases.  I remember the story of a piano teacher in her 90’s who saved her brain.  Also, my own mother’s mother developed a NY crossword puzzle dictionary, which is lost forever, but it kept her mind sharp.  There is nothing more exciting to me than electronics and computers, and software.
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2 answers to this question

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Dear Galaxywatcher1,

I went and checked out National Instruments website to find this answer. LabView will run on Windows XP SP3. But I did find this tid-bit of information at the bottom of the page.

For full support on Windows XP, Service Pack 3 (SP3) or higher must be used.
LabVIEW will drop support for Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 as of July 1, 2016. Versions of LabVIEW that ship after July 

 It will also run on Windows Vista up to Windows 8.1. Here's the system requirements page: http://www.ni.com/labview/os-support/  || http://www.ni.com/labview/requirements/ . As for working on Windows 10 I can't seem to find a solid answer for that right now. It appears that they are working on it and it might already be compatible but just to be safe I would wait a bit before trying to use windows 10 with LabView. Windows 10 just came out so it might take them some time to get LabView going on it.

As for how many computers you can run on at a time I had to go search for the Licensing Agreement. Here's what I found:

The Software may be installed on up to three (3) computers; provided, however, only you may use or otherwise run the Software and the Software may only be launched on one computer at a time. In no event may any of the Software be installed or used on a network device from which the software may be accessed and used by anyone other than you. The “Home Usage Exception” does not apply to this license. 

You can have it on multiple computers but you can't run them at the same time. Here's the link the their agreement if you want to see the whole thing: http://www.ni.com/pdf/products/us/labview_home_license_agreement.pdf 

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, our team will try to answer them the best we can. I'm glad you're keeping your mind sharp! Working with new and improving technologies is probably one of the best ways to do so. If you ever want to share what you and your husband are working on you can post it in the Project Section of our forum. I hope your project is successful!

Best Regards,


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