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Error Connecting to The Digilent Agent. Please Make sure The Digilent Agent Is Running.

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  • Hi, i just received my OpenScope today from element14. 

Once setup and installed Waveforms Live Agent on my Windows 10 laptop and I can't add my device. 

I went through the forum and non of the recommendations worked.

Please advise.

waveformslive add_device.jpg

waveformslive connecting_device.jpg

waveformslive error_connecting.jpg

waveformslive unable to connect.jpg

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9 hours ago, Kristoff said:


What browser are you using? Can you try using Chrome?

Can you also try navigating to the http://localhost:42135 in both your default browser and chrome and let us know what happens.




Hi Kristoff, I tried both Chrome & Edge. All not working with same outcome. Any idea? I need to know if the board is OK because I got it from element14 & i have a window period to return & exchange.

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The 3rd image you posted shows the error message you get when WaveForms Live cannot connect to the Agent.

The 4th image shows what you should see when you are able to connect to the agent.  The COM ports listed in the drop down are returned from the Agent, so this means that at least some communication is working.

  • Do you frequently see the error message in the 3rd image?
  • Can you confirm that COM 4 is the correct COM port?  You can check by opening Windows Device Manager and expanding the Ports section, then connect and disconnect the OpenScope MZ to see what COM port it shows up as.
  • Do you have administer privileges on your computer?  You could try closing the Digilent Agent (right click on the system tray icon and choose 'Exit') and the running it as Admin (Right click the Digilent Agent icon in the start menu and choose Run As Admin)



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13 hours ago, Kristoff said:


The 3rd image you posted shows the error message you get when WaveForms Live cannot connect to the Agent.

The 4th image shows what you should see when you are able to connect to the agent.  The COM ports listed in the drop down are returned from the Agent, so this means that at least some communication is working.

  • Do you frequently see the error message in the 3rd image? (Most of the time picture 3, Picture 4 sometimes if I uninstall digilent Agent & reinstall I may achieve this sometimes)
  • Can you confirm that COM 4 is the correct COM port?  You can check by opening Windows Device Manager and expanding the Ports section, then connect and disconnect the OpenScope MZ to see what COM port it shows up as. (the COM port is correct)
  • Do you have administer privileges on your computer?  You could try closing the Digilent Agent (right click on the system tray icon and choose 'Exit') and the running it as Admin (Right click the Digilent Agent icon in the start menu and choose Run As Admin) (Yes I have run the app as Admin)



Hi Kristoff, I please refer to my respond in the quoted text.


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I managed to resolved the issue but i would strongly suggest that Digilent make a proper documentation and setup instructions to all users to avoid them from wasting days just to get it working. It is very unproductive. 

finally i found that it has to be run at COMPATIBILITY MODE. 

Anyway, thank you for helping me to solve the problem.

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Hey Mylim,

We've tested this on many Windows 10 machines and I've never had to run the application in compatibility mode before.  Which compatibility mode did you choose (Window 7, XP, etc)?

Can you provide your system information so we can try to reproduce this?

  • Click Start>>Run
  • Type dxdiag and press enter
  • Click Save All Information... in the lower left.
  • Save the text file and attach it to this thread or PM it to me.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have the same problem and can't get past "error connecting / make sure the agent is running" message.

  • system: win7 64 bit
  • windows firewall off
  • all antivirus that could be blocking it off
  • agent is running in the tray
  • board shows up as "USB Serial Port (COM19)"
  • tried to start up the agent as administrator and/or compatibility mode
  • tried opening from waveformslive.com or http://localhost:42135 directly (it will open, so the agent is apparently running)
  • tried Chrome and Firefox, no difference

I'm attaching dxdiag report if it helps. Also, some screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1i8r1v2logeej10/AAD5DUfo-bpsNjnMT81Dsq8La?dl=0

You can see the XHR request to http://localhost:42135/config gets "cancelled" after 5s timeout.

Would you please advise how to resolve or further debug this.





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Hi Dharsan,

Thank you for the quick response, changing that setting did the trick! It managed to connect to the agent in about 10 seconds.

Would be worth changing that generic error message / adding hints... "could not do x" is not very helpful in general ;)




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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

MZee out of box  ... connected once , agent showed device on com 7 , for a while,  then (green gear) disappeared from the tray , reinstalled  now  agent says device on com 7 but scope will not connect..( unable to connect / communicate  to device ) . tried the time out same ... 32 bit win 7 pro + chrome , 2 hrs messing so far !  MZ  ! not a good start ..  

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I had the same problem and can't get past "error connecting / make sure the agent is running" message.

On 08/12/2017 at 3:50 PM, sudharsan.sukumar said:

Try going to the settings page and setting the timeout to a higher value. I've attached a picture of the settings menu and you can see the http timeout setting under advanced.



That trick I quote worked, but it's strange because I was normally using my OS and then it stopped working and I had to do this workaround. I'm attaching dxdiag report so you have more in hands if you try to figure out what's going on. By the way, my OS does not connect to Wi-Fi anymore, I can select a network, set its password, but no connection is set...







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Hey jpnbino,

Can you try connecting to the OpenScope using the terminal 'menu mode' and try to connect to a wifi network there.

  1. Make sure the Digilent Agent doesn't have the COM port open (Right click the Digilent Agent and release the device).
  2. Open the COM port using a terminal application like PuTTY.  The buad rate is 1250000.
  3. Press the reset button on the OpenScope MZ
  4. A menu should be printed to the screen.
  5. Use the menu to connect to a wifi network and post the output here.
  6. Use the menu to save the network and then list the saved networks.  Post the terminal output here.




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  • 2 years later...

For no reason it apparently work on a windows vm through kubuntu ._. Really feel like this whole system could use some maintenance. 

Running kubuntu 20.04, I get the log below after 

$ digilent-agent

and accompanied by the usual (unhelpful) 'Agent could not connect to device' message on waveformslive. I've tried 3 cables, increasing timeout, and Fedora 32 and Windows 10. Windows couldn't even find the agent after installing it. 



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Hi @Kristoff

At the time I abandoned my OpenScope because I could not use it anymore. Then, I found it here again and wanted to try again to bring it to life. I am not sure if the project already ended or so. here is what did, but I do not know if it is important anymore.

It connects to Wi-Fi and before I programmed the firmware with a PicKit ( the version is in the log ).

I am able to go on with it now :)


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  • 1 year later...

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