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Upon launching WFL, agent is localhost:42135 on COM3. 

When selecting OPEN, the report is unable to connect to device, retry enumeration.

This implies the device is not in a list of expected devices/values. How to work around this obstacle?  I have tried Xp and Win 7 platforms.


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It sounds like you were able to add the Digilent Agent to WaveForms live, it detected your OpenScope MZ as COM 3 and your device shows up on the WaveForms Live device manager (the main page) like the image below.  Is that correct?  

Does the error show up when you click the device card shown below?






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Can you confirm that COM3 is assigned to the OpenScope MZ.  The easiest way to do that is:

  1. Unplug the OpenScope MZ.
  2. Open Windows Device Manager
  3. Expand the Ports Section.  Make note of the ports listed.
  4. Attach the OpenScope MZ.  Make note of the new port added.

Let us know what you find in device manager.

Can you also share the state of the LEDS when the OpenScope MZ is plugged in.  Are any solid on?  Are any blinking?



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