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OpenScope MZ's oscilloscope & Waveforms Live

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I hooked up the OpenScope MZ's oscilloscope channel 1 to the wave form generator.  And started WaveForms Live by turning on the oscilloscope and clicking on the RUN button.

The waveform is displayed on my screen as expected.  However, while it is still running I disconnect the oscilloscope "probe" the waveform stays on the screen and one can become confused that a signal is still being triggered.  Is this normal?

Also, when I turn the oscilloscope off and then back on the old waveform is displayed.

One other thing.  LED LD1 flashes red.  what does that mean?



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My Bad...

I got the result I was looking for by turning off the trigger on the Oscilloscope.  Once I did that everything began working as I expected.

I just received my OpenScope MZ and I'm beginning to like it a lot.  I just wish there was better documentation and examples on how to use it with diagrams.  Other than that my only other question is the red LED LD1 flashing.  I don't know what that means.





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Hey Jeff,

Glad to hear you got it working.  The LEDs are described in the last section of the OpenScope MZ reference manual here.

We'd appreciate any feedback you have on your experience getting started, specifically which parts you struggled with, what you expected to happen and what actually happened.  The more feedback we can get the better we can make the product.



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