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academic verification: No specific instructor


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I have a questin regarding the verification process for academic pricing. During the verification process I need to state an instructor.
I dont know, who to name here specificly. Should I name someone from my Examination office? If so, do I need to inform them first?


Best regards,

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I'm not part of the sales team, but from my understanding, ideally you should put the name of the person who will be teaching the class that you are taking which uses the board with the academic pricing; that way we will be better able to confirm that you are qualified for the academic pricing. You do not need to inform them that you are putting their name down in the academic verification process.

However, this is a manual process on Digilent's end to perform the academic verification and Digilent is closed on the weekends (despite what it may look like from my response here; I'm just making up hours from the workweek) so you probably won't hear back until Monday. If you have any further questions, I recommending our sales team at sales @ digilentinc.com


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Hi @D@n,

I would probably recommend listing their adviser if they are a grad student. In other situations (say you are a lab instructor/tech or a purchasing department), I believe you would be able to use the primary instructor/professor that requires the materials.

But as a disclaimer, the Digilent Sales team will have the final word on what counts; this recommendation was just my educated guess as to what a good choice would be.


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