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More notes in saved files



I would find the tab-separated files exported by Waveforms 2015 much more valuable if they contained more metadata (not just the time and the serial number).

I'd particularly like to know all the settings of the scope and the waveform generator, as well as any custom settings (like math formulas used for math channels).

It would also be good to have a user editable "notes" field for recording any external information about the experiment that is not otherwise recordable (except in the filename).

The metadata does not need to be machine-readable—in fact, I'd prefer all the metadata to be on comment lines starting with "#" as the current metadata does, because the plotting software I use (gnuplot) ignores such lines.

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I see that the oscilloscope gets a little metadata now, but I'd really like to see metadata for ALL the instruments that are running (power supplies, function generator, oscilloscope, impedance meter, network analyzer, …).  For example, in student files, I have a hard time telling whether they had the "relative to channel 1" button on or not for the network analyzer, but that is crucial to interpreting the resulting files.

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