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Problem With SDK Run on Hardware With ZYBO Board

Reid Telando


Hey Digilent Community,

I just got a brand new zybo board, and I'm trying to program it using a program from a tutorial. The FPGA programs fine, but when I try to Launch on system hardware (GDB), the program just sits and doesn't do anything. Also, when I try to Launch on hardware (system debugger), I get an error that reads: "Couldn't determine the xsdb target for 'ps7_cortexa9_0' to download the elf. After reading a while, I've found others with this problem but none of their solutions solved mine. I have only one USB connected to J11 and I have the JP5 jumper on the JTAG setting, however, I'm still getting this reading. I've read that there might be an issue with the current draw on this board??? But I haven't found a way to adjust that.
If you're reading, Thanks for your time! 

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9 answers to this question

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Hi Reid,

What OS are you using? What version of Vivado/SDK? What tutorial(please attach a link)? If you are on a windows OS did you mark the cable drives selection when downlowding Vivado. If you are in Linux you will need to install the cable drivers. Here is a link describing how to re-install cable drivers for either windows or linux. Have you tried a external powered usb hub? With the newer versions of Vivado  Launch on hardware (system debugger)  is typically the selection you should use. Did you program the board before you ran Launch on hardware (system debugger) on your application. Have you tried the Getting started with Zynq tutorial off of the Zybo resource page here?



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I'm on a Windows 10. I have Vivado 2015.2, and I'm using a this tutorial, which is for the zedboard, but I modified it to work with the zybo: https://embeddedcentric.com/memory-mapped-io/

I don't think there's a problem with the drivers because I also have a zedboard and have programmed it no problem. I have also tried using 5V power supply from the wall and from the USB. I have programmed the board. I've done some reading and found that it might be an issue with the voltage rails? The error I get is this: "Error while launching program: Couldn't determine the xsdb target for 'ps7_cortexa9_0' to download the elf "


I also tried this tutorial and got the same error when launching on hardware: https://reference.digilentinc.com/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/zybo-getting-started-with-zynq/start


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Hi Reid,

Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce your error. My research hasn't found anything specific to this issue. How long is your pathname for you project? I know that Vivado can have issues with workspaces that are not close to "C:".  Have you tried re-doing the project closer to the beginning of the pathname making sure that there is no spaces in the pathname as well? I did go through the tutorial in vivado 2015.2 and attached the project. Let me know if you are able to run the attached project.




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Hey Jon,

My path name is pretty short, I gave it the path name that was given in the tutorial.

I just tried to run your project and received the same error. I've also done another tutorial which used the vivado program exclusively to program the FPGA, which worked just fine. Which I think tells me that the issue is with the SDK. Thanks for your help Jon.

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