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Waveforms 2015 UART RX Font



Is there a way to change the typeface of the output in the Protocol UART RX window in Waveforms 2015?

On my machine, in Linux, it is bright blue, which I find to be very hard to read. Clearly, I could just export to a text file, but I'd rather be able to monitor the output inside of Waveforms.

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3 answers to this question

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In the current version there is no option to change the Protocol interface green/blue the text coloring.

With the systems desktop theme you could change the window/background coloring if that helps.
You could also change the background of the application by right click on the Style label in Options and entering the following text:


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Thanks for the reply. This is interesting. If arbitrary CSS is accepted where you're showing, perhaps there is actually a way to get at those colors. Is a list of valid CSS ids and classes available for the application? Or is the raw CSS of the factory styles available for editing? I'll do a bit of research and see if I can figure out a solution and post any results here.

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