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the most basic usage question - digital output on DD

kevin vannorsdel


All I want to do is independently control output pin 24  and output pin 29.  


Something like this:






I don't want to use any fancy pattern generator or anything like that.  Just basic software controlled digital output using PYTHON.


I dont see an example for how to clearly do this.  Can you advise?



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Hi @kevin vannorsdel

See WK SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalIO.py and the pdf manual


dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputEnableSet(hdwf, 0x00FF)  # drive DIO 24-31 and float DIO 32-39
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x01)  # DIO 24 = 1 others 0
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x00)  # all 0s
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, (1<<1) | (1<<5))  # DIO 25 and 29 = 1 others 0

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Still confused,   let's say I want to control DIO 24  and DIO 27 as software controlled digital outputs and DIO 25,26 and 27 used by the nice pattern generator logic.  How do I control these sort of "independant" digital output lines 24 and 27 while leaving the ones in between those alone?

It seems complicated but I just want a python function that can write a 0 or 1 to any single output line at will.




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Hi @kevin vannorsdel

I suppose you wanted to say to control DIO 24 and 29 from digital-io. The DIOs can be controlled as bits in the following function arguments, lsb to msb, indexed from 0. 1=dio24, 2=dio25, 4=dio26 ...
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputEnableSet(hdwf, 0x0021) # output enable only on (1<<(29-24)) | (1<<(24-24)), the others can be controlled from digital-out and protocols
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x0000) # DIO 29 = low and DIO 24 = low
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x0001) # DIO 29 = low and DIO 24 = high
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x0020) # DIO 29 = high and DIO 24 = low
dwf.FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet(hdwf, 0x0021) # DIO 29 = high and DIO 24 = high

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Thanks for the response.  I guess I see what you are saying.   I think when you said:  "I suppose you wanted to say to control DIO 24 and 29 from digital-io"   by "digital-io" you are referring to the Digital I/O functions mentioned in section 8 of the SDK ref manual?     


I sure wish I knew what this paragraph actually means:

The digital IO signals are shared in the device between Digital-IO, Out and In functions. The Digital-IO has priority
over Digital-Out. The Digital-Out is only applied for a signal when the Digital-IO Enable and Output are zero for the
respective bit.

Especially this last sentence.  it makes almost no sense to me.  Can you clarify what this means by chance?

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Hi @kevin vannorsdel

You mentioned 27 twice:

On 9/25/2024 at 1:13 AM, kevin vannorsdel said:

DIO 24  and DIO 27 as software controlled digital outputs and DIO 25,26 and 27 used by the nice pattern generator

The device DIO outputs can be controlled by digital-io and digital-out function. The digital-io has higher priority. If you set FDwfDigitalIOOutputEnableSet(hdwf, 0x0001) the first DIO channel (DIO 24 on Digital Discovery) will be controlled low/high by FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet value. The other DIOs will output what is configured with digital-out function.

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