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USB 1608 reads in DIFF mode but not SE



My MCC DAQ will read diff mode inputs but when i configure to SE and rewire - my code gives me an error.


properties (Access = private)

GREEN = [0 1 0];

RED = [1 0 0];

StopFlag = 0;

B = 269.8;

C = -0.8808;

dofH2O = 62.426;

dofH2Otempref = 62.316;

viscosityStandard = 0.9973;

Pstd = 14.695333681130098 %Standard Pressure [PSI] (29.92" Hg);

Tstd = 70; %Standard Temperature [F]

%Creates structure to record data

Data = struct("Time",[], "DP",[], "PF", [], "LFEMassFlowRate", [], "DPTVoltage", [], "Tf", [], "massDieselB", [], "massBiodieselB", []);

%Data.DP; Differential Pressure measured by Sentra 239

%Data.PF; Flowing Pressure measured by sentra 280e


methods (Access = public)

function intialize(app)

app.DAQactiveLamp.Color = app.GREEN;

%intializes daq as readable object

global dq

dq = daq("mcc");

dq.Rate = 500;

%LFE airflow measurement

addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai0','Voltage'); %Sentra 239 Differential Pressure

addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai1','Voltage'); %Flowing Pressure (inlet presure) measured by sentra 280e

% addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai2','Voltage'); %LFE Thermocouple

% %Loadstar fuel measurement system [A]

% addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai3','Voltage'); %Loadstar RPP1 load cell

% addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai4','Voltage'); %Sending unit

% %Ian Sherer fuel measurement system [B]

addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai5','Voltage'); %Desiel Fuel load cell

addinput(dq,'Board0','Ai6','Voltage'); %Biodeisel Fuel load cell



% Code

methods (Access = protected)

function getAirFlow(app, Volts)

Volt = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai1, "all");

app.Data.DPTVoltage = [app.Data.DPTVoltage, Volt];

app.M280voltageEditField.Value = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai1, "all");

app.M239voltageEditField.Value = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai0, "all");

%Coverts average voltage Measured by Sentra 239 to Differential Pressure in inches of water

DP = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai0, "all") * 3;

app.Data.DP = [app.Data.DP, mean(DP)]; %Differential Pressure [inches of water]

app.DPTVoltageVEditField.Value = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai0, "all"); - THIS IS WHERE I GET MY ERROR

app.DPTVoltageVEditField.Limits = [-5,5]; - 

Error using MyAirflowapp/RUNButtonPushed2 (line 222)
'Value' must be a double scalar within the range of 'Limits'.

%Voltage to pressure "Inches of water

app.DPTinofH20EditField.Value = DP;

%Coverts average voltage to PSI %Data.PF; Flowing Pressure measured by sentra 280e

PF = mean(Volts.Board0_Ai1, "all") * 5 -0.15;

app.Data.PF = [app.Data.PF, (PF)] ; %records data

app.FlowingPressurePSIEditField.Value = PF;

app.FlowingPressureVoltageVEditField.Value = mean(Volts.Board0_Ai1);

Tf = 70; %Flowing temperature [F] (Place holder value)

% Read temperature at LFE inlet from thermocouple

%Tf = mean(Volts.Board0_Ai2, "all"); %*const+const

app.Data.TF = [app.Data.Tf, Tf];

airFlowRate = (app.B*DP+app.C*DP^2)*(app.Tstd/Tf)*(PF/app.Pstd); %cubic feet

app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate = [app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate, (airFlowRate*0.035)]; %kg/hr

app.MassFlowRateEditField.Value = app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate(end);

plot(app.DPTVoltageGraph, app.Data.Time, app.Data.DPTVoltage);

xlabel(app.DPTVoltageGraph,"Time (s)");

ylabel(app.DPTVoltageGraph,"Voltage (V)");

plot(app.LFEMassFlowRateGraph, app.Data.Time, app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate);

xlabel(app.LFEMassFlowRateGraph,"Time (s)");

ylabel(app.LFEMassFlowRateGraph,"LFEMassFlowRate (kg/h)");

app.PeakAirflowEditField.Value = max(app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate);

app.PeakAirflowEditField.Limits = [-300,300];

app.PeakAirflowEditField.UpperLimitInclusive = app.PeakAirflowEditField.Value;

app.IdleAirflowEditField.Value = min(app.Data.LFEMassFlowRate);

app.IdleAirflowEditField.Limits = [-300,300];

app.IdleAirflowEditField.LowerLimitInclusive = app.IdleAirflowEditField.Value;


%Function read data for Loadstar Fuel Measurement system and


function getFuelMeasurementA(app, Volts)

massDieselA = (mean(Volts.Board0_Ai3, "all"));%*constant;

app.Data.massDieselA = [app.Data.massDesielA , massDieselA];


%Function read data for Ian Fuel Measurement system

function getFuelMeasurmentB(app, Volts)

massDiesel = (mean(Volts.Board0_Ai5, "all")*5); %lbs

app.Data.massDieselB = [app.Data.massDieselB , massDiesel];

KgMassDiesel = massDiesel * 0.45359237; %kg

app.DieselLevelBGauge.Value = KgMassDiesel- 5.68;

app.KgDiesel.Value = KgMassDiesel - 5.68;

app.GalDiesel.Value = app.KgDiesel.Value*.311;


massBioDiesel = (mean(Volts.Board0_Ai6, "all")*5); %lbs

app.Data.massBiodieselB = [app.Data.massBiodieselB , massBioDiesel];

KgMassBioDiesel = massBioDiesel * 0.45359237; %kg

app.BioDieselLevelBGauge.Value = KgMassBioDiesel - 5.68;

app.KgBioDiesel.Value = KgMassBioDiesel - 5.68;

app.GalBioDiesel.Value = app.KgBioDiesel.Value*.311;



% Callbacks that handle component events

methods (Access = private)

% Button pushed function: STOPButton

function STOPButtonPushed2(app, event)

app.StopFlag = 1;


% Button pushed function: RUNButton

function RUNButtonPushed2(app, event)


global dq

Tstart = tic;

while app.StopFlag == 0

Volts = read(dq, 500); %reads daq voltages

%Sets data readout from DAQ ports

Time = toc(Tstart)

app.Data.Time = [app.Data.Time, Time];

app.getAirFlow(Volts) - THIS IS LINE 222



app.DAQactiveLamp.Color = app.RED;

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3 answers to this question

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Hello @isherer.

Which versions of Windows OS, InstaCal, MATLAB, and the 'Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware' are you using?

The analog input channels should be configured for single-ended or differential mode in InstaCal before launching your MATLAB.

17 hours ago, isherer said:

app.DPTVoltageVEditField.Value = mean( Volts.Board0_Ai0, "all"); - THIS IS WHERE I GET MY ERROR

Insert a breakpoint in your MATLAB script to debug and verify the values.

17 hours ago, isherer said:

'Value' must be a double scalar within the range of 'Limits'.

What is the reported 'Value' between single-ended vs differential mode?

Verify the wiring connections for the set configuration mode.



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