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Digital Discovery- Multiple SPI outputs




I am looking to drive separate DUTs with a SPI interface from a single Digital Discovery. They will not be active all at once, but one at a time. I believe that I can do this, but I am new to this product, and wanted to check before I purchased this. I am guessing I would assign an I/O that appropriate C,D, or E function?

thank you,


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2 answers to this question

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Hi @fleanme

Yes, it is possible.
The device implements logic analyzer and pattern generator. The protocols (UART,SPI,I2C...) use generator device resource to send and analyzer to receive data, so one protocol/setup can be used at a time. The SPI signals can be assigned to any DIO. When switching between the used IOs make sure not to cause glitch on the output with: pull-up from device or external, or configure the DIO properly using digital/static-io functions.
The Digital Discovery beside 16 DIOs also has 24 DIN lines which can be used only for logic analyzer, high speed capture, deep memory and DIO voltage adjustment.
If you need analog signals you may also consider the Analog Discovery 3 which has 16 DIOs, 2 oscilloscope, 2 AWG, +/- supplies, but less memory and fixed 3.3V DIOs




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