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Possible to get direct, live technical support?


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I'm part of a team that is looking to get more proactive and in-depth help for the Arty Z7 board than what the forums can offer. Is this service at all offered by Digilent / Xilinx? For example, in my ideal case, I'm highly interested in some kind of contact partner who provides technical support via some kind of contract or subscription service. Thank you in advance to any clarity that can be provided, I hope there is a phone number or email address I can use to contact someone directly rather than via forums.




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Hey Kris,

Sorry for the delay. Digilent generally doesn't do live support - just through the forum. AMD has FAEs that might be able to help, but I'm not sure what the correct way to get in touch with them would be for you, and I believe, mostly based on other things I've read online, that level of support typically scales with the number of parts you're buying (or are potentially buying) directly. There are various third-party contractors who might be able to help, though I'm not sure if there's any one good place to find them. Adam Taylor (Adiuvo Engineering) is very active in this space - his email is adam@adiuvoengineering.com if you'd like to reach out.



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