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Streaming data from zedboard using lwIP (baremetal)



Posted (edited)

Hi all, I have gone through this tutorial. I have tested echo server lwIP successfully on zedboard baremetal.


Now I want to stream data from zedboard through router.

1- How should I proceed?

2- What changes will be necessary in lwIP echoserver code.

3- Is there any link that can guide me through?

Edited by RAJAT99
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Posted (edited)

I recently implemented a C++ ostream class (client) and a Python script (server) for writing a file on a remote system via an lwIP socket connection from Zynq.
I did this for being able to upload extensive data (e.g., data from an ADC) from an application running in FreeRTOS (so it is not exactly standalone, however, FreeRTOS makes many things easier).

Please see this GitHub repository.

The repository includes a sample project for Zybo Z7-20. The PS code should run also on ZedBoard. You need to start in Vitis by creating a FreeRTOS platform and then an empty C++ application and copy into it the sources from the repository. I expect the code to be compatible with the HW design you made following that echo server tutorial.


Edited by Viktor Nikolov
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The same guide you linked to should cover connecting to the board through a router, check section 10, "Testing the Server With a DHCP Router". If it doesn't work on the first try, I'd try changing the BSP settings to require DHCP.

For streaming, Digilent doesn't provide guides to help. It would be a matter of modifying the code to repeatedly send data when new data is available. This blog post covering using a small python client to request data from the board might be a starting point: https://digilent.com/blog/getting-out-of-the-echo-chamber-transferring-data-over-ethernet-using-zynq/




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