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Using library node with libdwf.so in Labview on Linux: possible or not?



Posted (edited)

Hi, I am aware that the Waveforms toolkit is only available for the Windows version of Labview, and that it is not available for the Linux version. However, I was wondering if I can still call a specific SDK function using a function node, in LV Linux

Info about my installations and preliminary tests:

  • I have LV Community 2024 Linux version installed. It works, and I can in general do direct library calls on .so files using library nodes.
  • I have installed the Digilent SDK, and I verified it works using a Python script: I can access specific functions in the libfdwf.so file. So the SDK seems to be correctly installed.
  • I can create a library node in LV, indicate the SKD .so file... and something is working, because I can see the correct function symbols...


  • Whatever I do, trying to add a library node with libdwf.so leads to a bad crash of LV. For instance, I tried to use the MSO init function, copying the argument and return types from the Windows version and/or available info (in this case, the return type should be int32, arguments should be CStr, uint32, *uint32, and CStr). Note that in general specifying wrong arguments should not crash LV anyway.

Any clue? Am I making some silly mistake or is it just "not compatible, period"? Or maybe there is some fundamental problem, with calling convention or something similar at a low level? If so, is there any known workaround or it's just impossible?

Thank you!




Added. I just noticed that LV2024 in Linux supports python nodes. Since python can actually access the .so library functions, is it maybe possible to execute an SKD call in a VI... going through python in a python node? Somewhat convoluted, but can it work maybe?

Edited by Whemak
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