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printf won't print anything to the uart on Arty Z7-20

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I am reaching out regarding an issue I am experiencing with my Artz7-20 board.

Previously, I was able to use the printf function to print to the UART without any problems. However, recently it has stopped working altogether. Even basic programs like the "hello world" example fail to print anything.

In an attempt to troubleshoot, I ran a UART example that initializes the UART in the PS, and that successfully prints to the terminal. I have also checked all the connections, including the pins the UART is connected to, and verified the baud rate settings in Vivado.

Additionally, when I connect to the QSPI using J4, the demo image prints to the terminal as expected. However, beyond that, I am unable to get any further output. Even when switching to JTAG, the UART output remains non-functional.

i don't know why its not working. help me fix this please as it is for a project that is due soon.


Thank you 

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