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Compatibility of Universal Library for Android with API Level 34



With Android API Level 34 changes were introduced that affect the way e.g. permission requests for USB devices are handled. If not implemented correctly, this can lead to application crashes.

As far as I know, the current version of the Universal Library for Android is "1.62".  This version, is not adapted to these changes introduced in Android API Level 34, thus causing the App to crash when trying to request the USB communication permission.

This raises the following questions:

  • Are there any plans to adapt the library to these changes in API Level 34?
  • Is this library still actively maintained?


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i encountered another Bug:

If the connection to the USB-202 gets lost (e.g. USB cable disconnects for some reason) an ANR occurs. According to the profiler the ANR happens in the




Since I am already here, are there any updates regarding the bugs from the initial post?

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