I checked i2c address ( 0x48 7bits or 0x90 bits). I also tried with both
here is the code not working:
from WF_SDK import device, supplies # import instrumentsfrom WF_SDK.protocol import i2c # import protocol instrumentfrom time import sleep # needed for delays
device_name ="Analog Discovery 3""""-----------------------------------------------------------------------"""# connect to the device
device_data = device.open()
device_data.name = device_name
"""-----------------------------------"""# define i2c addresses
TMP2_address =0x48# initialize the i2c interface on DIO0 and DIO1
i2c.open(device_data, sda=1, scl=0)try:# repeatwhileTrue:# read the temperature
message, error = i2c.read(device_data,2, TMP2_address)# read 2 bytes
value =(int(message[0])<<8)| int(message[1])# create integer from received bytesprint(value/256.0)# delay 1s
sleep(1)exceptKeyboardInterrupt:# exit on Ctrl+Cpass# reset the interface
i2c.close(device_data)# stop and reset the power supplies
supplies_data.master_state =False
supplies.switch(device_data, supplies_data)
supplies.close(device_data)"""-----------------------------------"""# close the connection
In the Waveforms, it was fine. Also, I tried the test_temperature.py and it runs fine too. Then I modified the Digital_i2c.py and it worked fine. Here is the working code. I know it works but I would prefer to use the nice ready modules already written. Any ideas?
DWF Python Example
Author: Digilent, Inc.
Revision: 2018-07-23
Python 2.7, 3
"""from ctypes import*import math
import sys
import time
import struct
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("dwf.dll")elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Library/Frameworks/dwf.framework/dwf")else:
dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("libdwf.so")
hdwf = c_int()print("Opening first device")#dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(c_int(-1), byref(hdwf))# device configuration of index 3 (4th) for Analog Discovery has 16kS digital-in/out buffer
dwf.FDwfDeviceConfigOpen(c_int(-1), c_int(3), byref(hdwf))if hdwf.value ==0:print("failed to open device")
szerr = create_string_buffer(512)
quit()print("Configuring I2C...")
iNak = c_int()
dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cRateSet(hdwf, c_double(1e5))# 100kHz
dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cSclSet(hdwf, c_int(0))# SCL = DIO-0
dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cSdaSet(hdwf, c_int(1))# SDA = DIO-1
dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cClear(hdwf, byref(iNak))if iNak.value ==0:print("I2C bus error. Check the pull-ups.")
rgTX =(c_ubyte*1)(0)
rgRX =(c_ubyte*2)()whileTrue:#print("Write and Read with reStart:")
dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cWriteRead(hdwf, c_int(0x48<<1), rgTX, c_int(1), rgRX, c_int(2), byref(iNak))# write 1 byte restart and read 16 bytesif iNak.value !=0:print("NAK "+str(iNak.value))print(list(rgRX))# Convert temperature data to Celsius
raw_temperature = struct.unpack('>h', bytes(rgRX))[0]
temperature_celsius = raw_temperature /256.0print(temperature_celsius)
Joao Paulo
I was trying to modify the example test_I2C_CLS-TMP2.py( https://github.com/Digilent/WaveForms-SDK-Getting-Started-PY) to read LM75A from NXP, but I could not get rid of this error.
here is the code not working:
In the Waveforms, it was fine. Also, I tried the test_temperature.py and it runs fine too. Then I modified the Digital_i2c.py and it worked fine. Here is the working code. I know it works but I would prefer to use the nice ready modules already written. Any ideas?
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