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streaming from the ADP3450 scope to my PC



Can I record analog scope data by continuously streaming from the ADP3450 scope to my PC?

I need at least 30 seconds of data from all four channels.

What software should I use?

Tips, suggestions?

Should I be looking for a high-end scope instead?

Thank you for the help!


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3 answers to this question

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Hi @csullender

ADP3450 lets you capture up to 128Mi samples on up to 4 channels at up to 125MHz.
Longer captures require data streaming which are limited by USB or Ethernet bandwidth to about 20-30Ms/s, 5-8MHz on 4 channels.

You can use WaveForms application or custom apps/scripts see WF SDK / samples/ py/


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Sanity check, let me know if the below sounds right.

Looks like two choices for recording:


1. Toolbar, "Record to file" (Rec.)

The csv file output has no header or column labels and does not include the time column.

If I record to a bin file, and Import it back into WaveForms, I need to set the data format, sample rate, and number of channels.

Then I can use "Export" or "Logging" to produce a csv file with a header and all channels (with column labels) including the time column.


2. Scope controls, Mode: "Record"

Records to the WaveForms app. for display.

Then I can use "Export" or "Logging" to produce a csv file with a header and all channels (with column labels) including the time column.


Is there a function to save the scope settings to a txt file so I can find them later when loading a bin file, or should I use "Logging" to make a csv file go with each bin file? Even though the bin file may be recording for a longer period, the settings will be captured in the csv file.

Are there tools to directly convert the bin file to another format like csv?

Let me know if I have missed something, in case there is a better way to capture to csv, or to capture to file in general.

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Hi @csullender

The captures performed in the application (single, repeated, scan, record) can be processed in the app and exported manual or automated. The app has a limit of 200MS/ channel.
The 'Rec to File' is intended to write longer captures directly to file to be processed by external application. Custom applications or scripts can also be used, see the examples in WF SDK/ samples/ py/ 
The bin file advantage is the reduced size and write rate, specially with large captures directly to disk.

The export to csv/txt/tdms has header with capture information and you can also use the automated export View/Logging, see:



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