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Combined trigger for pattern generator in Digital Discovery



Dear all,

I am currently trying to use the Digital Discovery to forward a pulsed signal to another device under certain conditions.

The condition is a high value on DIO 27 ("onoff" which is controlled by an arduino) AND a rising edge on DIN4 ("chopper"). The signal to be forwarded comes in on DIO35 ("laser") and is sent to DIO31 via ROM logic in the pattern generator (DIO31 is set to 1 if "laser" AND "onoff"). DIO35 is monitored in the Logic analyzer as "outputGeneration".

My understanding was that the pattern generator can be triggered by a combination of edges and levels when the Trigger source is set to "Logic Detector". However, the Pattern generator will start right after the rising edge/high of DIO27 (onoff) and not wait for the rising edge on DIN4 (chopper) as seen in the screenshot below.

I am using Digital Discovery 3 with Waveforms 3.21.20.

Am I missing something? And is there maybe a simpler way to achieve the same goal?

Thank you in advance.



Edited by infield
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Hi @attila,

Setting a specific run time for the pattern generator with (triggered) repeat on infinite solved the issue. Thank you very much!

I still wonder why the triggering doesn't work correctly in continuous mode. Is this a bug?

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Hi @attila

Thank you for detailing different kinds of ROM settings.

My question was aiming for the triggering of the Pattern Generator in general by the Logic Analyzer. The triggering off a high AND a rising edge does not work when "Run" in the pattern generator is set to "continuous". It only works when a finite run length is set (1 ms in your example above). I do not understand why I can't trigger a continuous output from a single (high AND rising edge) trigger.

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Hi @infield

The trigger event is by default the rising edge of the trigger signal, but it can be configured to be the falling or either edge.
An instrument's trigger output is high while in Run state.
By default the run time is continuous in Wavegen and Patterns, so these will toggle their trigger outputs when started or stopped.


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