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About Analog Discovery 3



Q1: Waveforms captured by the oscilloscope function,
  Is it possible to output the waveforms captured by the oscilloscope function using the arbitrary waveform output function?

Q2: Can the above functions be achieved with the supplied software?
  Or do I need to create my own software?

Q3: How to make a CSV file of the data acquired by the oscilloscope function, and
       Is it possible to output the imported CSV file in GEN without editing?

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With any device the Scope capture can be exported (File/Export) and imported to AWG (Signal/Type/Import or Custom or Play). The Script tool can be used to automate such tasks. You can explore the WaveForms application features in demo mode.

The AD3 (and newer devices ADP3X50, EclypseZ7...) provide in device routing from Scope channel (raw 100/125MHz, lower rate average samples or FIR filtered) to AWG output signal (or AM/FM/PM/sum) or power supply outputs. 



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