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One Digital Discovery as pattern generator and logic analyzer



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Hi @Effedipi

Yes, the Patter Generator and Logic Analyzer can work in parallel in the device, using common and/or DIO DIN lines.

The Protocol uses the Pattern Generator for transmission/write (driving the DIO lines) and the Logic Analyzer device resources for reception. With the "Logic Analyzer" option the reception is disable, the Logic Analyzer can be used to interpret the transfer/reception and to verify signal timings.


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Hi @Effedipi

The I2C master (with clock stretching) and slave mode can work up to 2.5MHz but this requires stronger pullups.
Without clock stretching option it can theoretically work up to 25MHz but this may not respect the timings. This mode simply generates the pattern without waiting on SCL to go high or handshake.

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I can use external pullups, no problem for that.

It is not clear to me how to configure the Digital Discovery to make what NI-HSDIO call "Dynamic Generation and Acquisition", where it is possible to play a user defined waveform on a output and at the same time record an input.

Is there any document that describe how to do this?




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today I received the digital discovery.

When I try to run "digital_I2c.py" I get the following error:
Opening first device
failed to open device
b'Device not supported. No compatible configuration found. Update Digilent WaveForms.\nFDwfDeviceOpenEx\n'


It works fine with Waveforms






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