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How do I actually view the Python Script output on WaveForms?



I'm super new to using Analog Discoveries, I'm currently using an AD3 and I tried running some Python scripts (SDK examples) on VSCode and I can see that the code runs, however, how do I view the output of the script on WaveForms? Especially since AD can't be used on two platforms at the same time?

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Hi @attila

Thanks for the reply!

However, I still don't understand how I can view the outputs on the WaveForms application? I tried running the AnalogOut_Sine.py and I wanted to see the output of this code, a sine wave on the scope window of WaveForms. I have no choice but to close the VScode window when I want to run WaveForms, but that disconnects the device from VSCode, so how is the output of this Python code ever visible on WaveForms. Please let me know, much appreicated!

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Hi @Analog

What do you mean "output of code" ?

A device can be controlled by one application at a time. It is not possible to connect to the same device at the same with WF app and Python script.
The Wavegen preview is not available in API. This is just an informative preview.
To see the actual output of the AWG wire it to Scope input, control the output with analog-out and capture using analog-in functions, as it is done in the examples.

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Hi @attila

sorry if this seems like a silly question, but this is what I thought was possible with the AD and Python, that I write the script for generating some signals, and somehow I'd be able to run the code (as a library??) on Waveforms application and be able to view the signals. And I assumed this was possible without any other devices except the AD connected to my laptop.

I just keep wondering how is the code retained in the device, if the code editor is closed. Hope that makes sense.


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