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Blue screen with PCI_DAS6025 Matlab





We have a set of seven PCI_DAS6025 used for teaching. We use them with a Matlab / Simulink realtime application.

They used to work fine with Windows 10 1909 and Matlab 2019. We got new computers and the application now crashes with a blue screen on Windows 22H2 and Matlab 2019. Blue screen says : PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. With Windows 22h2 and Matlab 2023, the data from the PCI card is incorrect and unstable.


We use a fairly old driver for DAS6025 : v1.0.33.0 04/11/2010

We also install InstaCAL (I think the Simulink app runs TracerDAQ at some point) :



We would be grateful if you can provide any information (new driver, possible reason for the blue screen...).



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You may need an updated version of InstaCal that is supported in Windows 11.  Use the following link to access the download for InstaCal.


Save the installation to your local drive and restart your system.  Afterwards, install InstaCal.  Once installed, launch InstaCal to confirm detection of your MCC PCI-DAS6025.  If you board is detected by InstaCal, then close InstaCal.  If the board is not detected by InstaCal, then test the board with a Windows 10 system.

Next, launch MATLAB and click on the 'Add-Ons' menu option and select 'Manage Add-Ons'.  Does the list show the 'Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware'?



Run 'daqvendorlist' in the Command Window, followed by 'daq.getDevices' and 'daq.getVendors'.  Does MATLAB detect the MCC vendor and your hardware?  Please respond whether these steps were successful or not.  





File Exchange location for the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware:




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Thank you for your answer, we are very grateful.

The board is recognized by InstaCal 6.74. However, I don't have the Matlab Addon Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware.

When I try to install it, I get into this issue : Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware addon: Failed to download the third-party software: MCCUniversalLibrary

(screenshot attached)

Screenshot from 2023-09-19 09-58-39.png

Edited by CRIP PhITEM
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I was able to install the addon by installing the MCCUniversalLibrary manually (installer from https://digilent.com/reference/software/universal-library/windows/start).


Now I have :

Classroom License -- for classroom instructional use only.

>> v = daq.getVendors

v = 

Number of vendors: 2

index ID  Operational           Comment          
----- --- ----------- ---------------------------
1     ni  false       Click here for more info
2     mcc true        Measurement Computing Corp.

Properties, Methods, Events

Additional data acquisition vendors may be available as downloadable support packages.
Open the Support Package Installer to install additional vendors.

>> v(2)

ans = 

Data acquisition vendor 'Measurement Computing Corp.':

            ID: 'mcc'
      FullName: 'Measurement Computing Corp.'
AdaptorVersion: '4.0.1 (R2019b)'
 DriverVersion: '6.74.0'
 IsOperational: true

And a newer driver :



The blue screen is still happening though. I will make more tests.

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Thank you for the update.  Glad to know you were able to install the MCC add-on package in MATLAB.  With regards to the blue screen, please provide additional information as to when it happens?  Can you always reproduce the blue screen with specific steps?  What is the make and model of your PC?  Is the PCI-DAS6025 inserted directly on a motherboard slot or on an expansion board?  Can you test a different PCI slot if available?



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The blue screen happens on Matlab 2019b Windows 22H2 on a HP Pro Tower 400 G9 PCI. The board is plugged onto the motherboard (only one PCI slot).

We reliably get this blue screen when we run an old Simulink realtime application. The blue screen happens a few seconds after we hit "run".

We don't get the blue screen when running the application on Matlab 2023a but the values displayed on the application are not constant (they should be).

We have a DELL Optiplex 9020 with Matlab 2019b and Windows 1909 on which the application works.

Let me know if I can clarify anything else.

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With MATLAB R2023a running on the HP Pro Tower 400 G9 PCI system, you mentioned "the data from the PCI card is incorrect and unstable".  Did updating your InstaCal version improve the data results?  Are you running the Simulink realtime application?  Do you get a blue screen with MATLAB R2023a and this new system?  If you do, does the blue screen occur only when running the Simulink realtime application?

MCC products are not supported in Simulink, so I cannot speak about why the blue screen occurs reliably with the 'old Simulink realtime application'. 

For your new system, verify that all available Windows updates are installed.  Also, verify with MATLAB about compatibility of 'old Simulink realtime application' on new systems running the latest Windows OS.

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With MATLAB R2023a running on the HP Pro Tower 400 G9 PCI system, you mentioned "the data from the PCI card is incorrect and unstable".  Did updating your InstaCal version improve the data results? 

With the new instaCal version, the data seems still unstable. I asked the teachers to verify this.


Are you running the Simulink realtime application?

The application is running with Matlab 2023a, yes.


Do you get a blue screen with MATLAB R2023a and this new system?

No, only incorrect data.


MCC products are not supported in Simulink

Can you confirm that ? The difference between Simulink and Matlab is not clear to me. If MCC products are not supported in Simulink, we have to tell the teachers.


For your new system, verify that all available Windows updates are installed.  Also, verify with MATLAB about compatibility of 'old Simulink realtime application' on new systems running the latest Windows OS.

I did a clean Windows install with all updates. We have an ongoing support request already with Mathworks.


It's unclear were the problem is. We have one computer with Matlab 2019 on witch it works, and one on which the blue screen appears. Since the blue screen «PFN_LIST_CORRUPT» seems related to a driver issue ; I asked here. But the issue could be elsewhere.

I think having the last version of instacal and the driver makes it less likely that the issue is with the board. We are going to investigate more on the hardware and Matlab side.


Thanks again

Edited by CRIP PhITEM
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I am unable to reproduce the bluescreen without having your hardware and software configurations.  The PCI-DAS6025 board may be incompatible with the motherboard design in your new system.  If you test a simple MATLAB script, without using Simulink, are you able to reproduce the bluescreen?  Is the acquired data correct?  If it is not, please reply with the captured data and what's expected.  Attached is a simple example.  GettingStartedWithSessionBasedInterfaceUsingMCCDevicesExample.m

Simulink is a MATLAB add-on; a graphical layer.  MCC devices are supported directly in MATLAB.



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Thank you for the follow up.


The PCI-DAS6025 board may be incompatible with the motherboard design in your new system

That's possible. I will do a fresh install Windows 22h2 & Matlab 2019 on the currently working DELL computer to confirm. I will let you know the result.

With the script GettingStartedWithSessionBasedInterfaceUsingMCCDevicesExample I get an error on the first line : Unrecognized function or variable 'daqlist'.

I tried this on the computer having blue screens :

devices = daq.getDevices
s = daq.createSession('mcc')

data = startForeground(s);

output :

>> mcc_test

devices = 

mcc: Measurement Computing Corp. PCI-DAS6025 (Device ID: 'Board0')
   Analog input supports:
      4 ranges supported
      Rates from 3.0 to 200000.0 scans/sec
      16 channels ('Ai0' - 'Ai15')
      'Voltage' measurement type
   Analog output supports:
      -10 to +10 Volts range
      Rates from 1.0 to 10000.0 scans/sec
      2 channels ('Ao0','Ao1')
      'Voltage' measurement type

Properties, Methods, Events

s = 

Data acquisition session using Measurement Computing Corp. hardware:
   Will run for 1 second (1000 scans) at 1000 scans/second.
   No channels have been added.
Properties, Methods, Events

s = 

Data acquisition session using Measurement Computing Corp. hardware:
   Will run for 1 second (1000 scans) at 1000 scans/second.
   Number of channels: 1
      index Type Device Channel MeasurementType      Range       Name
      ----- ---- ------ ------- --------------- ---------------- ----
      1     ai   Board0 Ai0     Voltage (Diff)  -10 to +10 Volts
Properties, Methods, Events

Error using mcc_test (line 6)
Timeout expired before operation could complete.


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6 hours ago, CRIP PhITEM said:

With the script GettingStartedWithSessionBasedInterfaceUsingMCCDevicesExample I get an error on the first line : Unrecognized function or variable 'daqlist'.

The 'daqlist' function is for recent releases of MATLAB; possibly not supported with R2019.  I'm using R2023a.


8 hours ago, CRIP PhITEM said:

I tried this on the computer having blue screens :

Please clarify the hardware, OS version, and MATLAB application version of this system.


8 hours ago, CRIP PhITEM said:
devices = daq.getDevices
s = daq.createSession('mcc')

data = startForeground(s);


Though I don't have a PCI-DAS6025 board installed in my system, your code works with MATLAB R2023a and a MCC USB-1208FS device.


8 hours ago, CRIP PhITEM said:

I will do a fresh install Windows 22h2 & Matlab 2019 on the currently working DELL computer to confirm.

I look forward to learning the results of the fresh install.



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I made progress today. I was able to have a glimpse of an error message just before the blue screen : Hardware timer cannot be allocated. This suggests an incompatibility between Matlab 2019 and Windows 22H2 (see similar case with Windows 11). So I tried to confirm this by running the app on a PC without DAQ board and drivers : same blue screen. So, this is not an issue with the board.

Our options are either use Windows 1909 or fix the incorrect data issue on Matlab 2023.

On the DELL computer on which the board and application were working (Windows 1909 ; Matlab 2019), I did a fresh install of Windows 22H2 and Matlab 2023 : no issues ! On the new HP computer, we still have unstable data (a value should stay around 0 but sometimes jumps to 4 or 5 and goes back to 0).

That leaves us with the hypothesis of an issue with the HP hardware. I will try more tests if I can (e.g. running GettingStartedWithSessionBasedInterfaceUsingMCCDevicesExample), but maybe we will just use similar DELL computers.


Thank you for your help and your time.


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