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DasyLab Global Variables and Strings FAQ



Good afternoon,


My company uses DasyLab along side of a personal DAQ for air emission testing. For this process, we've primarily relied on assigned global variables (along with some other functions) to use throughout the datalogging process. However, it seems our global variables are having a glitch.

To summarize, we have assigned global variables for gas calibrations (a low, mid, and a high gas.) All of these global variable values update continually based on what the gas analyzer is reading in real time. We have a one-stop switch and a write to excel that logs the value in the spreadsheet at a specific time for each variable. Our low and high variable work fine- updates every minute or so. Our mid only reads what is input in the "value" line of the global variable description.

Please see attached image for where 7,8, and 9 are the global variables in question. 7 and 9 read real-time while 8 sits at 0 (input value)

I'm curious as why the value is updating for certain global variables and not others. We wrote these sheets a while ago and I am having trouble backtracking the steps. 


Anna G.


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Hey Fausto!

I'm unsure if these cells worked previously within the worksheet. The worksheet is pretty old (maybe 2014 or before creation date). The employee that created these has since retired. I've been trying to revamp them so I apologize for my lack on origination knowledge.

Recently, we upgraded from an older version of Dasylab to Dasylab 2022. We also moved all the sheets from a Windows 7 computer to a Windows 11 computer. There has a been a few issues getting the sheets to load, but nothing within the worksheet has changed- just the Dasylab version. I have attached the sheet and I listed below the few issues that I noticed right off.


Issues that I've noted in the worksheet are:

Global variables for all "mid" gas values do not update. 

Global variables for continuous logging do not update.


Thank you for looking into this





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