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Questions regarding USB-CTR04 python example code provided



Hello I am currently trying to get frequency reading using one of the counter channels on the CTR04. To help me get started I a using the c_in.py executable to read the pulse count/ frequency where the only modification I made to it is clearing the device counter within the loop its self using (ul.c_clear) function. For some reason at 1MHz I am getting the readings bellow where there is a small discrepancy. Is this expected with the device and its python compatibility? When I try to record the frequency on DAQami I get a perfect reading of 1MHz but not on python as seen bellow. 

PS: I've attached the .py file I am using.



DAQami (at 400k Hz): Mr Fausto you have to take my word that DAQami is getting an accurate reading even at 1MHz



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