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matlab runtime error

Li Jun Zeng


I have a DT9837 box (DATA Translation).  When run the data acquisition application tool, it give me an error message of Matlab runtime (below).  I have matlab (2016a) installed.   any suggestions how to resolve this problem?   Thanks and regards.




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Hello @Li Jun Zeng.

MCC does not supply nor support MATLAB's Runtime.  You are also using an older version of MATLAB, which supports Data Translation's legacy DAQ Adaptor for MATLAB; reference chapter 3 in the following manual.


Are you creating a new example or attempting to run a compiled example with the DT9837 device?




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I am running a compiled example with DT9837 and since downloaded a mtl run time compiler 9.3.  Now I am running into an error message: 

Caused by:
    The 'dt' hardware is not operational using the Data Acquisition Toolbox.
    Use 'daq.getVendors()' for a list of supported vendors.
    Support for the vendor may require installation of the driver via the <a href="matlab:daq.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a>.


Did download the  32bit lagacy DAQAdapterMatlab "setup.exe" and install, and still get the same error message.

Any suggestions to further resolve this error?

Thanks and regards.




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Hello Li.

Are the DT Open Layers software and drivers installed on the target system?

The issue may be related to missing directories that need to be included during example compilation, which uses the Data Acquisition Toolbox and the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Data Translation Hardware.  Take a look at the following MATLAB Answers page for a potential workaround:

Please reach out to the MathWorks Technical Support team to troubleshoot further if the workaround does not resolve your issue.




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